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After marrying my boss (Anna) novel Chapter 53

Michael frowned upon hearing my blunt words and gave me a disapproving look. I could understand his displeasure, as men had always liked innocent women.

I expected him to lecture me further, but surprisingly, he started the car and resumed driving again.

I was relieved, although I had to admit I also felt a sense of loss. Time and again, he kept reminding me of the nature of our relationship.

I gloomily looked out of the window. I was upset even though I knew I was not entitled to feel that way. Michael had made his position very clear when he promised me the two hundred thousand.

Men could treat sex as a purely biological need, but to women, we always had emotions invested in the men we sleep with.

What happened between us would be deemed a transaction to Michael. When he had enough of my body and could derive no pleasure from it anymore, things would be over between us.

Just as I was brooding, Michael surprised me by saying, “I have not slept with another woman after I started sleeping with you.”

Is he trying to explain himself?

I was stunned and turned around to look at him. His handsome face was expressionless, and he kept his eyes glued to the road.

“Ok.” That was the only response I could come up with. I was very emotional, but his earlier warning was still fresh on my mind, so I would not dare to go any further.

Soon, we arrived at a neighborhood near Joyful Success, and Michael brought me to a small three-bedroom apartment.

Of course, it was much smaller and basic compared to Michael’s mansion, but it was a cozy apartment.

I curiously looked around the apartment, wondering why he brought me there. Is this another residence of his?

I quickly dismissed that thought. After all, he was a CEO and accustomed to living in a mansion.

After checking out the place, I turned to him and asked, “What is this place, Michael?”

“This apartment is for you. In the future, when I have the urge, I will call you in advance, and you will wait for me here.” Michael looked at me and emphatically stated the purpose of the apartment.

My expression froze and I was lost for words.

“Here is the key to this apartment. In the future, you’ll meet me here when I call for you. Or, you can move in and stay here.”

I got the jitters and instinctively refused the key he handed to me.

“I think there is no such necessity, right? We can go to a motel when you have the need. Those motels are cheap, just a hundred or so every time.”


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