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After marrying my boss (Anna) novel Chapter 58

I closed my eyes and forced myself to not think about these things. The accumulated exhaustion from the past few days soon caught up with me, and I fell asleep shortly after.

The sun was already high up in the sky by the time I woke up the next day, but I could afford to sleep in as it was the weekend.

A quick glance at the alarm clock revealed that it was ten in the morning, and I stretched lazily in bed as I didn’t feel like getting up just yet.

Sleeping in during weekends was probably a luxury for every white-collar worker out there.

However, I got a call from Yuval right as I was about to go back to sleep.

We aren’t supposed to meet up until two hours later… Why is he calling me so early?

Although I was somewhat annoyed by it, I answered his call anyway.

“There’s still quite some time before our date, Mr. Lambert. May I ask why you’re calling me so soon?” I asked coldly.

“Oh, I just wanted to ask you if you’d like me to come pick you up at your place later?”

Yuval sounded both a little nervous and excited at the same time.

“That won’t be necessary. I’ll just hail myself a cab later.”

I couldn’t help but feel a little repulsed at the thought of him coming over to pick me up, so I refused his offer without any hesitation.

“All right, then. I’ll wait for you at the place that we have agreed upon.”

I could hear the disappointment in his voice when he said that, but I didn’t care about that.

Having lost all sleepiness after hanging up the call, I got out of bed and changed into a light-colored dress before applying some makeup to complement it.

Natalie reminded me to give it my best when she saw me leave the house, and I rolled my eyes at her before heading off to meet Yuval at a Starbucks café.

The interior was very well decorated, and Yuval was already waiting for me inside by the time I got there.

“Sorry to have kept you waiting,” I said with a faint smile as I sat down in front of him.

“No worries. It’s only natural that men wait for women, after all.”

I noticed the look of surprise in his eyes when he first saw me, and simply smiled in response without saying anything.

After what seemed like forever of awkward silence, Yuval looked up at me and asked nervously, “I think we’re quite suitable for each other, Ms. Garcia. Would you be interested in taking things a step further?”

Of course, his question was completely within my expectations as he had made his intention clear when he called me up last night.

While I didn’t have any feelings for a stranger like him, he was indeed a rather suitable candidate for marriage.

After hesitating for a bit, I decided to try dating him.

“I have attended the blind date with the intention of getting married, Mr. Lambert. If that is what you seek as well, then I suppose we could try dating and see how it goes from there,” I said calmly with an expressionless look on my face.


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