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After marrying my boss (Anna) novel Chapter 59

Michael simply glared coldly at me, sending chills down my spine with the icy-cold aura that he emanated. For some reason, I felt a sense of guilt like I had done something to wrong him.

Noticing the awkwardness between us, Yuval walked up to my side and held out his hand as he said, “Hello, my name is Yuval. I’m Anna’s boyfriend.”

His words made my heart skip a beat as I panicked even more.

Damn it, why did Yuval claim to be my boyfriend? We only agreed to try dating! We haven’t decided on whether we would make it official or anything! How am I supposed to face Michael now?

The look on Michael’s face turned gloomy upon hearing what he said, and he simply glared coldly at Yuval’s outstretched hand without saying a word.

After a few seconds of awkward silence, Yuval withdrew his hand and kept quiet.

“S-So… what is it, Michael?” I asked timidly as I tried my best to not make eye contact with him.

That only seemed to fuel Michael’s anger even more as the icy-cold aura about him intensified.

“I need to talk to you. Come with me!” Michael shouted suddenly when the tension was at its peak.

“C-Could we talk about it some other time? It’s not really convenient for me right now…”

Michael’s domineering attitude was stressing me out as I didn’t want Yuval finding out about our relationship. It wasn’t easy for me to find a decent guy like him, so it would be a real shame to lose him like this.

“Are you trying to piss me off, Anna?”

I had never dared to say no to Michael about anything, so this was technically my first time refusing his request. Naturally, he hit the roof.

“Michael, I…”

I thought about saying something, but Michael grabbed my arm before I could finish and began dragging me toward his car.

“Hey! What are you doing, Michael? I’m on a date here!” I exclaimed in frustration when I felt the pain from his forceful grip.

Yuval is a lawyer, and lawyers are smart, so he’ll definitely notice something off about my relationship with Michael! What would I do if he finds out that Michael and I are shameless “friends with benefits”?

Michael was so consumed by rage that he refused to listen and shoved me into his car. He then drove off while Yuval watched with a frown from afar.

He must be suspecting something about us by now…

“What are you doing, Michael? Yuval will get the wrong idea if you just take me away like this!” I shouted as I glared daggers at him.

Screech! Michael jammed his foot on the brake upon hearing that, causing me to tumble forward as the car came to a sudden halt.


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