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After marrying my boss (Anna) novel Chapter 60

“Why are you bringing me here? It is broad daylight now!”

I glared at him cautiously as he looked very terrifying when he was angry.

“Have you forgotten what this house is for? Why else would I be bringing you here if not to f*ck you?” Michael said boldly and began dragging me upstairs before I could respond.

I knew what he was going to do next and began resisting as I wasn’t in the mood to do it with him, especially when we were both angry like this.

Under normal circumstances, I would have given in to his demands, but his unreasonable behavior had infuriated me way too much, so I brushed his arm off and began walking away.

“You’re not going anywhere, Anna!”

Angered even further by my resistance, he ran up to me and grabbed my wrist with a vice-like grip, causing me to frown in pain as I struggled with all my might.

However, the more I struggled, the tighter his grip became, and I soon found my wrist on the verge of snapping in half.

“What the f*ck are you doing, Michael? You’re hurting me!” I shouted angrily at the top of my lungs.

What did I do to wrong him today? Why is he doing this to me?

“Hmph! This is what you get for resisting!”

While Michael didn’t let go of me, he did loosen his grip by a lot after hearing my cries in pain.

Due to his immense strength, I was completely powerless to resist and got dragged to the door within minutes.

By holding on to me with one hand, he was able to unlock the door with the other and drag me inside.

Once we were in the bedroom, he pinned me against the wall and assaulted my lips with a barrage of kisses.

I pushed against him with all my might, but he simply increased his strength and intensity to counter my acts of resistance. He then pinned my arms above my head and began ravaging my breasts to his heart’s content.

My eyes went red from the humiliation as I glared at him furiously. Is Michael seriously going to rape me right now?

“Hey! Let me go, Michael! You promised me we’d be over once I find a boyfriend! You can’t go back on your word!” I screamed at him in disgust while struggling.

“I have told you, Anna. I will allow you to get yourself a boyfriend, but not right now!”

Michael glared coldly at me as he said that, his voice filled with domineering arrogance.

His unreasonable behavior had angered me to the core, and I looked him straight in the eye as I shouted, “What the hell do you want, Michael?”

“I want to f*ck you! I haven’t had enough of it!”


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