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After marrying my boss (Anna) novel Chapter 65

“I’m here, so come out!”

Before I could say anything, Michael’s voice drifted over the moment the call connected.

And as soon as he finished saying that, the disconnect tone sounded.

At that, I glared at my cell phone irritatedly. What the hell is wrong with him? Every time he calls, he never gives the other person an opportunity to speak! Ugh! What a jerk!

Irked by his attitude, I inwardly decided not to do as he ordered. Oh well, he can just wait there since he didn’t even bother to let me speak before hanging up the phone!

However, I always had no backbone when it came to Michael. About five minutes later, I started growing antsy. He’s the kind of person who hates waiting for someone else, so he might leave if I continue tarrying.

“Gah! You’re really weak that you can’t even stand your ground in such a trivial matter, Anna!”

After having scoffed at myself while pointing at my reflection in the mirror, I then left the house.

When I reached the community gate, I was greeted by the sight of a silver Cadillac sports car dead center of the gate. Oh, he hasn’t left despite having waited for such a long time! I breathed a long sigh of relief.

I didn’t understand it myself, but a smile bloomed on my face the moment I glimpsed Michael’s car.

I sauntered over to the passenger side, but I didn’t get in right away.

Michael was dressed in a black suit that rendered his already aloof countenance even grimmer against the black background.

A pair of huge sunglasses sat on his face, so I couldn’t see the look in his eyes.

“Is something the matter that you wanted to see me?”

I tried my best to sound calm and unruffled as I looked at his perfect profile.

“Get in!”

Michael frowned and stared at me in chagrin when I didn’t get into the car after dallying for such a long time. His voice was cold without a hint of emotion.

“Where are you planning to take me?”

Recalling the incident back then, I couldn’t help backing a step away. I’m not getting into the car if he’s planning to force himself on me again this time. I’m not that stupid.

“When did you become so garrulous, Anna?”

Michael whipped off his sunglasses and pinned his jet-black eyes that glinted with annoyance on me. All at once, I could tell that he was incensed.

In all likeliness, my repeated wariness and refusals had infuriated him.

“I’ve always been so garrulous. It’s just that you’ve never noticed it before this. It’s the weekend today, Mr. Shaw, so what exactly is the matter that you suddenly sought me out?”

I cut straight to the chase since I didn’t want to yak with him. I knew that I should make it clear to him that our relationship was over since I now had a boyfriend.

Although I was reluctant to do so, I naturally couldn’t maintain an improper relationship with him as I was currently dating Yuval. Indeed, I sounded shameless and despicable, having been friend with benefits with him. Nonetheless, as long as I had made up my mind to date someone, I would treat him wholeheartedly no matter my feelings toward him.


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