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After marrying my boss (Anna) novel Chapter 66

“Yes, I’m reproaching you! What has my relationship with Yuval got to do with you? You had no right to investigate him!” I again castigated Michael loudly while shooting daggers at him.

Admittedly, I have feelings for him. However, it doesn’t mean that he has free reign to interfere in my life! I had already decided to date Yuval, so I was naturally enraged that Michael investigated him.

“Don’t challenge me time and again, Anna. There is a limit to my patience!”

Michael’s face was grim, and his gaze glinted with anger as he stared at me.

“Stop the car. I’m getting out!”

To me, his current attitude was rather unreasonable; I had no idea what exactly he wanted. We agreed on an amicable parting, but everything he had been doing recently truly made my blood boil.

His handsome countenance was terrifyingly chilly, and he acted as though he didn’t hear me. Not only didn’t he stop the car, but he even accelerated.

At that moment, I noticed that he seemed to be heading to his house.

“Where are you taking me, Michael? I said I want to get out!”

I kept banging against the car door but to no avail. Right that very moment, I was seized by the urge to curse him out.

Argh! He’s really backing me into a corner here. I truly regret agreeing to his stipulation for the sake of two hundred thousand. My life would certainly be peaceful if I hadn’t agreed back then. But then again, he only gave me the money because of that stipulation. If I hadn’t agreed, he probably wouldn’t have given it to me.

“Anna, you’re the first woman to be in such a hurry to sever ties with me. And I guarantee you that you’ll also be the last!”

Michael’s low and terse voice rang out. He turned to look at me with a dangerous gleam hidden in his eyes.

My heart lurched, and I couldn’t quite grasp the meaning of his words. Truly, he had been acting vastly out of character lately.

I didn’t want to argue with him, so I kept urging myself to calm down. Since he saved Dad by giving me two hundred thousand back then, I must keep my temper in check.

“What exactly do you want, Michael?” I inquired mildly, doing my best to sound calm as I gazed at his profile.

“Listen here, Anna. You’re my woman, and I’m the only one who can propose ending our relationship from now on,” Michael asserted domineeringly.

While doing so, he didn’t even deign to spare me a glance. Instead, he continued speeding on the road.

I was already suppressing my anger, so I almost blew my top upon hearing that.

“So, am I supposed to be friends with benefits with you for the rest of my life if you don’t break off our relationship forever?” I demanded anxiously, staring at his profile while stifling my mounting panic.

“Half a year, then. I’ll end our relationship after half a year. Besides, I’ll compensate you when we break up.”

Michael slowed the car, and his voice was no longer as indifferent as before.

Hearing that he would compensate me when we broke up, my brows furrowed. Honestly, I felt insulted.

Indeed, I deliberately seduced him for two hundred thousand back then, but I had no other choice because of my father’s illness.

But now, he seemed to have cemented me in the ranks of a gold-digger. I might be unbothered if it were anyone else, but for some inexplicable reason, I was perturbed when such words came from him.


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