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After marrying my boss (Anna) novel Chapter 71

The four-figure price on the receipt had me almost passing out. Precisely speaking, it was five thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine.

Oh my God, it’s just a dress, yet it actually cost nearly six thousand? Is it inlaid with gold or what?

My pay was only seven or eight thousand a month, so my heart clenched at the thought of spending six thousand on a dress.

I looked at Michael in confliction. It wasn’t that I couldn’t afford to buy the dress, but I was really reluctant to spend close to a month’s salary on a dress.

“I didn’t know this dress was actually that expensive…” I muttered lowly as I eyed him sheepishly.

Upon glimpsing the smugness in his eyes, I was gripped by the urge to slap myself hard. Argh! Why did I insist on paying him back? I’m simply making trouble for myself!

“Didn’t you say you were going to pay me back for the dress? Well, you can do so now.”

Michael stared at me, his voice brimming with provocation.

“Um… can I pay you back in a few days? I don’t have that much money right now.”

It’s a king’s ransom of six thousand! How am I going to get so much money to pay him back now? If it weren’t for the fact that I’ve got no clothes to wear, I’d simply whip it off immediately and return it to him. Then, I wouldn’t have to spend six thousand on a dress!


Michael sounded blasé. Truth be told, the price of the dress was a drop in the bucket to him since the amount of money he made in a day was sufficient for him to buy tens of thousands of dresses.

“Uh… can I pay you back in installments?”

In actual fact, I had wired my pay back home for my father to buy supplements. Every time I was paid, the money was only sufficient for me to survive, so it would really take me forever to pay him back six thousand for the dress.

“It’s just a dress, yet you want to pay me in installments? How poor are you, Anna?”

Quirking an eyebrow, Michael regarded me in astonishment with a skeptical gaze.

“Truly, I’m destitute. I’ve sent all my money home, so I don’t have any extra money to pay you back. Can I pay you five hundred every month?” I negotiated gingerly as I gazed into his eyes.

Propping a hand against his forehead, Michael looked at me speechlessly.

“I don’t need you to give me any money. Just use the money to buy groceries. In the future, I’ll go and have dinner often at the apartment I bought. When I notify you, you’ve got to cook for me.”

Huh? He wants me to cook again? Why is he so adamant about having me cook when he has housekeepers? Besides, my cooking tastes quite awful.

Honestly speaking, I was averse to his suggestion. But what if he asks me to pay him back immediately were I to decline? I don’t have that much money right now.

After mulling it over, I relented with a nod without saying anything further.

When I concurred, I seemingly caught a glint of triumph in his eyes. In a flash, the feeling of having been tricked swept over me.

Nonetheless, I shook my head and convinced myself that I was reading too much into things. Why would a man like him trick me? Besides, it won’t benefit him in any way.


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