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After marrying my boss (Anna) novel Chapter 72

Many of the female employees seemed excited, but I was rather distressed. Oh God, I’m going to be seeing Michael every single day if he’s going to be here daily for the next six months!

At the thought that I would see him every day, I couldn’t quite tell whether I was delighted or flustered.

But can our relationship remain under wraps if we’re going to see each other every day?

I stared into Michael’s eyes. Coincidentally, he happened to look in my direction. His lips curved into a faint arc, adding a hint of warmth to his already handsome countenance.

As some sharp-eyed female employees caught him looking at me, their eyes radiated envy.

Sensing the many hostile gazes, I hastily retracted my gaze, no longer daring to gaze at him.

At that moment, I couldn’t help pitying myself. Damn it, his look earlier must have garnered me a boatload of enemies! Women’s jealousy is truly terrifying!

Millie had also noticed Michael’s gaze on me. Rapping on my table, she regarded me excitedly.

“Did you see that, Anna? Mr. Shaw was looking at you!”

Upon hearing her remark, I heaved a sigh of exasperation. Good grief! I wonder what those women who idolize Michael thinks of me when even Millie is all aflutter!

After that glance, Michael shifted his gaze away. Seeing that he was no longer looking at me, I finally breathed easier.

As he was going to set up an office here, many of the female employees volunteered to help with the motive of having more opportunities to be in contact with him.

To avoid others learning about our relationship and making enemies in the office, I quietly buried my head in work.

In no time, the day passed. As soon as it was time to get off work, I hurriedly packed up to leave.

No matter what, I was resolved to tell Natalie about John’s infidelity that night. I couldn’t put it off any longer.

I had just stepped out of the office building when my cell phone started ringing. Upon seeing that it was a call from Natalie, I promptly answered it.

“Natalie, I’ve got something to tell you when I get home. It’s a very crucial matter,” I anxiously blurted the moment I picked up the call.

“I’ve got something to tell you as well, Anna. It’s good news!”

On the other end of the phone, Natalie sounded rather excited.

“What good news?” I inquired in puzzlement, my brows knitting together.


Natalie started hemming and hawing at my question.

At that, I became all the more anxious. “What exactly is it? Spit it out.”

For some reason, a feeling of dread welled within me though she hadn’t yet told me what the good news was.

After all, few matters would render her hesitant and embarrassed, considering her usual blasé attitude. Sure enough, the words out of her mouth next was a bolt of lightning to me.


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