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After marrying my boss (Anna) novel Chapter 73

Then, I hung up the phone. Having done so, I hailed a taxi and rushed over to Natalie’s house.

About half an hour later, I arrived at her house. By then, she was already home.

The moment I opened the door and stepped in, I was greeted by the sight of Natalie cheerfully washing fruits and John sitting on the couch in the living room.

Upon seeing the scumbag, my wrath flared at once. How dare he show his face here?

Just when I was about to lay into him, Natalie spotted me and quickly ushered me in.

“You’re back, Anna? Quick, come and have some fruits. I bought a lot on my way home.”

Coming over to me, Natalie took my arm and dragged me into the house.

At that moment, John had also caught sight of me. The look in his eyes as he gazed at me was smug and defiant.

As she pulled me into the house, I pointed at John on the couch and turned to her with barely restrained anger.

“Why is he here? Didn’t I say I’ve got something important to tell you? Why did you bring him home?”

Initially, I was going to tell her that he was a scumbag. But now that he was here, I was truly caught in a difficult position.

“Anna, John and I are already the most intimate person to the other, so just say whatever it is in front of him. It’s okay.”

At present, Natalie had already opened her heart to John and completely entrusted herself to him.

Frustration enveloped me right then. I didn’t know how to tell her all the things I had to say. Furthermore, she might not believe me anymore even if I were to tell her everything then.

“Nat, don’t be so naive, will you? Do you know that he’s a scumbag?” I proclaimed loudly as I pointed at John, the reins on my fury snapping.

Natalie was visibly taken aback for a moment, probably taken off guard by my sudden outburst. When she snapped out of her stupor, she looked at me in chagrin.

“What are you saying, Anna? How could you say that about John? He’s now my boyfriend!”

That was also the first time Natalie had ever raised her voice to me.

“Natalie, he’s really not a decent person, so don’t be taken in by him! Do you know that he has another woman out there, and he has even slept with her?”

Regardless of whether she would be angry at me, I decided to tell her about it. She would know sooner or later, and the pain would only be greater as time went past.

When Natalie heard that, she frowned and regarded me irately.

Despite the absurdity of my statement to her, it still aroused her suspicions since we had been best friends for many years.

With a frown marring her face, she eyed John with suspicion clouding her gaze.

Upon seeing that my words were working on Natalie, John promptly sprang to his feet and explained urgently, “I don’t know what your friend is saying, Nat! Why would she slander me like this? I love you wholeheartedly, and you should know that better than anyone else.”


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