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After marrying my boss (Anna) novel Chapter 75

“What’s with the attitude? I was already being very polite to you. All of this is your fault. If it weren’t for you, things would never have turned out this way!”

Michael’s voice had stoked the flames in me, and I couldn’t stop myself from venting all my anger on him.

If he hadn’t stopped me from leaving the previous night, Natalie would never have been with John, and things wouldn’t have escalated to this point.

To be frank, I had never gotten this angry at Michael before. After saying my piece, the line went silent for a long time. When he spoke again, his voice had grown icier.

“You must’ve lost your mind. Do you know who you’re talking to, Anna?”

Just from hearing his voice, I could picture the grim expression on his face.

“I’m not in the mood to talk to you right now. I have more important stuff to do, or I might end up sleeping on the streets tonight!”

Even though I was in a very bad mood and was in dire need of a punching bag, the most important to do right then was to find a place to stay for the night. After all, I really didn’t want to sleep on the streets.

I wanted to hang up the call right after that, but Michael’s voice sounded again from the other end of the line.

“Sleeping on the streets? Where are you now?”

Perhaps he noticed something amiss, for his tone had softened a lot.

“I’m on the streets with nowhere to go. Happy?” I snapped, then ended the call straight, unwilling to hear Michael’s voice anymore.

Nothing good ever came from meeting with him. Under normal circumstances, I’d still worry about whether or not I had offended him. But right then, that was the least of my worries.

My best friend and I were on bad terms, so I couldn’t care less about what he thought.

After ending the call, I went to a few nearby hotels, but they were all so expensive.

Checking the time, I sighed helplessly when I saw that it was already ten at night. I was caught in a bind, wondering if I should spend two to three hundred to stay in a hotel for the night because my only other option was sleeping on the streets.

If it were in the past, I wouldn’t be so indecisive, but after my dad had surgery, he needed to consume medication every day to maintain his health, which totaled up to a large amount of money. Thus, I had to save as much as possible now.

Just when I finally made up my mind to check into a hotel room, a honk sounded from behind me.

Anyone would be irritated by that harsh sound when it was so late at night, and I was no exception.

I spun around in annoyance to look behind me, but I was stunned when I read the license plate number.

Isn’t that Michael’s car? Shouldn’t he be sleeping? What’s he doing here so late at night? Don’t tell me he wants to experience doing it in a small hotel?

I clearly remembered that he chose a five-star hotel just to have sex previously. Hence, there was no way he was here to get a room.

I stood rooted to the spot, wondering if I should go over to say hi.


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