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After marrying my boss (Anna) novel Chapter 76

Every time I was caught in a dilemma, as long as he spoke, I’d find myself relenting.

He was right; I had too much on my plate now. Although my dad was recovering well, he still needed a lot of drugs to maintain his health since he only recently went for surgery, and I was the only one in the family they could rely on.

I actually had a younger brother, but he was irresponsible and never had a proper job. Taking responsibility for our parents was asking for too much. As a matter of fact, I’d already been counting our lucky stars if he didn’t ask them for money.

Hence, all the family burdens rested on my shoulders alone. When my dad was still in good health, my life was much easier. But now that his health was deteriorating, I was beginning to feel overwhelmed.

“Since you can’t afford it, just forget about your worthless dignity and listen to me,” he rebuked, as though reading my mind.

I was irked by his attitude and choice of words, but I really didn’t have a choice.

“Thank you.”

Although I knew what his purpose was, he provided me a place to stay, after all, and I was grateful for that. Without that house, I might really have to sleep on the streets.

The car sped along the road, and we arrived at Birchwood within ten minutes.

He went upstairs with me. It didn’t take a genius to know what was going to happen when a man and a woman were alone in the dead of night.

Needless to say, I was in no mood to entertain him after getting into an argument with Natalie.

But unfortunately, this house belonged to him, so I couldn’t very well ask him to leave. Thus, I could only suppress all my emotions.

After entering the house, I dragged my suitcase to the bedroom and started unpacking. I was going to live here from this day onward, and I didn’t know what I should feel about that.

Michael followed me into the bedroom and disregarded that I was unpacking as he started directly hugging me from behind and started kissing my neck.

His actions sent a tingling sensation throughout my body. I knew that this man was wanting some tonight. But then again, this was how he always was whenever he was around me.

“Michael, I’m still sorting out my clothes. Besides, it’s getting late, and we still have to work tomorrow.”

I didn’t push him away, but I tried dissuading him in a small voice.

After such a long time, I started to understand his character. Pushing him away would undoubtedly evoke his anger as he was someone who was open to persuasion but never coercion.

“There’s no hurry. Since you’ll be living here from now on, you can sort out your stuff any time.”

Lifting a lock of my hair, he twirled it around his slender finger with a seductive smile on his lips.

My heart sank because I knew nothing could get through to this man when he was aroused.

Closing my eyes, I sighed in resignation and turned to lie flat on the bed, waiting for him to take me and hoping that he’d finish it up quickly.

Probably not expecting me to react like this, Michael raised a brow and said in a slightly hoarse voice, “What are you doing, Anna?”


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