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After marrying my boss (Anna) novel Chapter 83

Infuriated by Michael’s attitude a while ago, I decided to dampen his pride. Hence, I put on an attractive smile and locked gazes with Yuval as I thanked him coyly.

Even though Michael remained silent, I could sense that his icy-cold aura had gradually intensified.

“Ah! It looks like most of the seats here are occupied. Since I’m by myself, it’s easier for me to sit together with both of you. You don’t mind, do you?” Michael said casually and took the seat next to me.

The moment he sat down next to me, I was engulfed by a tense atmosphere. I really disliked him sitting close to me. Besides, the whole situation was already awkward enough.

The slight change in Yuval’s expression was unmistakable. He frowned again the moment Michael sat closely next to me, but he remained silent. I could not help but pity him in a way. Nobody would be able to smile if their dates were interrupted by another man. Michael Shaw has really crossed the line this time!

Suppressing my frustration, I ignored Michael deliberately and avoided sparing any glance at him. My instinct told me that he would not let me off if I dared to mock him in his face again. Thus, I tried to finish my meal as soon as possible, so I would be able to slip away with Yuval at once.

“Anna, have you received my bouquet of flowers? Do you like it?” Yuval looked up at me abruptly and asked gently.

In a split second, I stiffened and almost choked on the steak in my mouth. Crap! How should I tell him that this monster sitting right next to me had ordered me to throw them away?

After taking a sip of water and swallowing the steak in my mouth, I forced a smile and replied, “Yeah, I received it this morning.”

“Why didn’t you bring it along with you just now? Did you leave it at your place in the office?” I was dumbfounded when he asked again. Should I tell him the truth? How will he react if I tell him that I was forced to throw the bouquet of roses away?

“It’s in the dumpster now! She threw it away.” Michael answered coldly before I could make up my mind.

My heart thumped wildly in my chest, and I saw that the smile on Yuval’s face froze.

“Yuval, let me explain! I-I did not throw it away on purpose… I was forced to do so to comply with the restrictions of our company. We are not supposed to receive any deliveries of personal items during working hours. Thus, I had no choice but to throw it away…” I explained incoherently.

Even if I knew that my explanation might not sound conceivable, it was the best excuse that I could think of at the moment. After all, I was still being frank partially as Michael actually instructed me to throw it away so as not to affect my work in the office.

Yuval squinted his eyes and looked at me doubtfully. At that moment, I could sense that he did not believe my words. He’s a lawyer, after all, so I’m not surprised.

“Yuval, I was telling the truth. I’m really sorry. I didn’t mean to throw the flowers away…” I looked at him apologetically and kept mumbling. At the same time, I rebutted Michael repeatedly inwardly. He was obviously putting on a show to drive a wedge between Yuval and me. Since both of us were not too invested in this relationship yet, Michael could effortlessly cause our relationship to come to an end.


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