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After marrying my boss (Anna) novel Chapter 84

“Don’t worry about it. My place is just walking distance from here, and I could really use a walk, anyway.”

I insisted on getting out of the car; I had to. As much as I wanted to be with Yuval, I still couldn’t cut Michael off either, and that thought alone disgusted me.

I knew I had to make a choice sooner or later. After all, to swing between two men wasn’t something I could accept.

“Hey, but it’s already so late. It’s not safe for you to walk home alone.”

Yuval slowed down as he was deeply concerned.

“It’s okay. My place is literally just a stone’s throw away, and I’ll be home before you know it,” I persisted. My mind was in a muddle since dinner. How I wished I could tell Yuval everything right then, but my dignity held my tongue back.

“Well… If you insist. But text me once you get home, okay? Or else I’ll be worried.”

He stopped his car and looked at me worriedly.

“Sure thing.”

I gave a gentle reply and got out of the car.

Yuval gave me one last glance before he drove off.

As I walked on the sidewalk, I thought to myself. Should I be honest about my current situation? It’s unfair for him to be tangled in this mess of a relationship.

However, along the entire journey, no decisions were made. I admit that I was a selfish person as I couldn’t make up my mind, nor did I know what to do.

Finally, I was back at Birchwood. Once I pushed the door open, someone brusquely pulled me into the darkness, and before I had the time to react, the same person pushed me up against the wall.

He was so strong that I almost screamed in pain. Stunned, I glared at the culprit who’d just ambushed me. It was Michael.

“What’s wrong with you? You’re hurting me!”

His grip on my wrists got tighter and tighter.

“Where did you go after you left the restaurant? What took you so long to get back? What are you doing with Yuval!”

Michael started questioning my whereabouts.


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