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After marrying my boss (Anna) novel Chapter 89

If I really wanted money, I would have asked for it from him the first time we slept together. But I didn’t.

All I wanted was to have a proper discussion with him, not another argument. He was a domineering man, but he wasn’t coldhearted.

Michael scanned me from head to toe curiously. He didn’t have to say a single word for me to guess what he was thinking and what he was about to do.

“I’d advise you to give up on the idea of becoming my girlfriend. I can give you anything except that. I would never marry a nobody like you; know your place, Anna!”

If I’m just a nobody, then why are you, a huge CEO, so insistent on clinging to me?

You’re surrounded by so many great, intelligent women. You could easily get any one of them to fall for you. So, why me?

“I never wanted to become your girlfriend. Relax. I know where I stand.”

A man like him was most likely going to marry someone hailing from a powerful family background and beloved by all those around her.

There was no way that a woman like me would ever become his wife, and the mere idea sent chills up my spine.

“I won’t force you. You have time to figure things out.”

I let out an internal sigh of relief. I knew Michael would be reasonable.

But I didn’t need time to figure things out. I’d made the decision a long time ago to end things with him. I was just afraid that if I let our relationship go on this way, I would not be able to keep my feelings in check any longer.

Michael was way too out of my league, surrounded by flocks of admiring women. On the other hand, I was just an ordinary girl. Even though I, too, liked handsome, charming guys like him, this particular man was destined to never be mine.

I’m not going to let myself fall any further. I’m not going to let myself get hurt again.

I decided to not reveal my decision until after a few days passed so that I wouldn’t aggravate him in his brief moment of kindness.

After dinner, I was under the impression that Michael would stay the night. Yet to my surprise, he left the table and picked up his coat as soon as he had finished his dinner, walking out the door without so much as a “goodbye.”

He left me all alone in an empty house, and I hated it.

Later, I took a shower and lay down on my bed, staring blankly at the ceiling. My mind was consumed by thoughts of Michael.

I’d thought that I would never be able to love another man after Justin, but I hadn’t expected to fall in love with Michael so quickly after.


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