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After marrying my boss (Anna) novel Chapter 90

I knew all too well how much Natalie liked John. Yet, he had the audacity to not only cheat on her but also bring the girl he’d cheated on her with when asking to split with Natalie? What a f*cking a*shole!

“What the hell? How could he do such a thing?”

My hands clenched into fists, rage flaring up within me.

“I’m really sorry, Anna, I truly am. I know that you were only looking out for me back then. I’m sorry for not believing you…”

Natalie started crying even harder, constantly wiping her tears away with a tissue.

“It’s okay, Nat. You don’t have to apologize. You were head over heels for John; that wasn’t your fault.”

I probably would have done the same thing as Natalie if I were in her shoes.

“You really don’t blame me? I even said that I was going to cut off all contact with you because of John…” She glanced up at me uneasily.

“Come on, we’ve been friends for so long; you know me! If I really was still angry at you, I wouldn’t have come here at all.”

It was true that I had been angry back then, and that was why I’d left her house. But I had grown to accept reality as time passed. Besides, Natalie was my best friend, and there was no way I could be angry at her forever.

“Thank you so much, Anna. Thank you for coming over to comfort me,” she choked out, her arms tightening around me.

“Don’t mention it. I know you must be feeling horrible right now. Cry all you want; you’ll feel better afterward,” I reassured her, patting her back in a comforting motion.

I knew all too well the heart-wrenching type of pain that was betrayal, causing one to lose all hope and motivation to continue living, and I knew that Natalie had to be feeling the exact same way.

“I really loved him, Anna,” Natalie whimpered, her tears wetting my shirt. “Why did he have to do this to me? I even gave him my virginity… Why did he have to hurt me like this?”

Hearing that, I had no idea how to answer her.

Natalie was right; she had given up everything for this relationship. Unfortunately, people like her who did just that were usually always the ones to get hurt the easiest.

“Just forget about him, Nat. He’s not worth your love. Just think of it as getting accidentally bitten by a dog.”

Comparing John to a dog is an insult to all dogs around the world. At least dogs are loyal to their owners.


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