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After marrying my boss (Anna) novel Chapter 95

“Mom, he’s like this now because you and Dad have been spoiling him since childhood! Just look at him! He’ll doom us all if he keeps this jobless deadbeat bullsh*t up!” I shouted angrily while pointing at Steven who was hiding behind her.

I didn’t care if my words would affect my relationship with Steven as I knew for a fact that we would all be done for if we carried on like this.

“How could you say that about your brother?” Mom snapped back at me furiously before Steven could even say anything in response.

She had always defended Steven with a complete disregard for my feelings, and that hadn’t changed one bit even with the state that Steven was in.

“I’m saying this for his own good, Mom! He dropped out of school and is now in his twenties without a proper job! Do you really plan on letting him remain a parasite in our family?”

I wasn’t comfortable with how Mom was defending Steven like that, but I had gotten used to it over time. All I wanted was for Steven to do his part and help support the family with me.

“That’s rude, Anna! How could you call me, your brother, a parasite? Are you implying that Mom and Dad gave birth to a parasite?” Steven retorted as if his actions were completely justified.

“Rude? I wouldn’t be saying that if you did your part in supporting this family!”

Steven was an unrepentant person by nature, so nothing I said or did would ever make him change his ways.

“Anna! Don’t you say that about your brother!”

Mom stepped in front of Steven and glared at me angrily when she saw that I was still going on about it.

“You need to stop defending him, Mom! He’s a grown adult now, and he still doesn’t have a proper job! All he does is gamble, drink, and freeload off us every day! We’ll be done for sooner or later if he doesn’t change his ways!”

Normally, I would’ve stopped scolding him by then, but I refused to that day.

“Anna, I’m going to get angry if you don’t stop treating your brother like this! I know you’ve had it rough at work and all, but you’ve already scolded him, haven’t you? Why don’t you give it a rest now?”

I had wanted to continue scolding Steven, but I knew I wouldn’t hear the end of it from my mom if I did.

Having no other choice, I simply shot him a fierce glare and sat down at the dinner table.

Steven turned out like this because Mom and Dad had spoiled him way too much. They never let him do any work at home and basically treated him like a king of some sort.

“My goodness, I could hear you all arguing from outside the house. What’s going on?” Dad asked as he came in and shot me a displeased glare.

“It’s nothing. Just a little squabble between siblings, that’s all!” Mom spoke up before I could say anything.


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