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After marrying my boss (Anna) novel Chapter 96

know we’re in desperate need of money, but this money belongs to Michael! We can’t use it! I frowned in helplessness at the thought of that.

“Don’t worry, Mom, I will work hard and provide for our family. This money doesn’t belong to us, so we really shouldn’t be using it.”

I tugged at my mom’s arm and tried my best to explain it in hopes that she would understand.

However, she pulled her arm back and shot me a fierce glare as she replied, “I don’t care! This money is in my hands now, so you’re not getting it back! Besides, that man is your boyfriend, isn’t he? What’s wrong with me accepting money that he offered?”

“It’s not what you think, Mom! He’s just my boss, not my boyfriend!”

I didn’t know how else I could explain it to Mom. I don’t know who Michael could be dating, but it definitely isn’t me!

“Why would he give us a hundred thousand out of the blue, then? Let me guess… You found yourself a rich boyfriend but are afraid of us becoming a burden, right?”

Her eyes were filled with suspicion and anger when she said that. I knew I had pissed her off, but her words hurt me more than I had expected them to.

After everything I’ve given this family all these years, this is how my mom thinks of me… If what she said is true, then I would’ve thought of them as a burden a long time ago!

“How could you say that, Mom? I’ve provided for this family for so many years without a single word of complaint! Haven’t you realized that by now?”

Tears formed in my eyes as I stared at my mom in disappointment.

As if her defending Steven wasn’t bad enough, she even went as far as denying my contributions to the family.

I noticed a hint of heartache flash past her eyes when she saw how hurt I was.

“That’s not what I meant… I know you’ve had it rough over the years, and it hurts me to see you working so hard every day out there. Now that someone has given us a hundred thousand, you should be happy that your burden has been relieved!”

“Mom! I told you, there is nothing going on between us, so we can’t accept his money!”

I grew increasingly anxious when I saw my mom still refusing to hand it over.

Not that it came as any surprise, though, as money had always been as good as gone the moment she got her hands on it.

“I don’t care! I’m not giving you the money!”

My mom made it very clear that she would never hand over Michael’s money, which added to my exasperation.

“You can’t do that, Mom! This money doesn’t belong to us! Why must you insist on keeping it?”

I was starting to lose my temper at how unreasonable she was being.

“Why can’t I? He’s your boyfriend, so I’ll just take it as a wedding gift in advance and ask for less when you two get married!”


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