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After marrying my boss (Anna) novel Chapter 97

I stopped in my tracks briefly upon hearing that and stormed off without looking back.

I’m nothing but an outsider to this family… No one gives a damn what I say or do. Sometimes, I even wonder if I’m actually adopted…

I couldn’t fall asleep after returning to my room as my mom’s words from earlier kept echoing in my head.

After a bit of tossing and turning in bed, I decided to give Natalie a call and ask her if she was feeling any better. To my surprise, I saw a text message from Michael when I unlocked my phone.

Curious as to what he sent me, I quickly tapped on it with my trembling fingers.

Michael: Give me a call when you get back tomorrow. I’ll go pick you up at the station.

He wants to come pick me up…

I was shaking all over from shock and confusion as to why he was suddenly being so nice to me.

However, there was no denying the fact that I felt happy when I read his text.

I wasted no time and quickly replied: I will, thanks!

The argument with Mom had left me in a very bad mood, but Michael’s text removed all of that negativity and made me feel all better.

A smile formed on my face as I placed my phone on the nightstand. Had Michael been an ordinary guy instead of a CEO, I probably would’ve fallen in love with him ages ago! Sure, he’s quite domineering and unreasonable, but he did help me out a lot in life! I know he’s not a bad guy at heart. He’s just gotten used to being cold on the outside, that’s all!

I thought Michael would reply to my text, but that was just wishful thinking on my part.

Eventually, I fell asleep waiting for his reply which never came, and it was already morning when I woke up.

Mom had made us all breakfast by the time I finished showering and brushing my teeth.

Even Steven had sobered up after a good night’s sleep, but he still looked as frivolous as ever.

The mere sight of him reminded me of how Mom had spent more than half of the hundred thousand on paying off his gambling debt, and that made me feel like hitting him out of anger.

Of course, I couldn’t do that or Mom would definitely cut ties with me for harming their precious son.

Unfortunately, me not hitting him didn’t stop him from getting on my nerves. After taking a sip from his glass of milk, Steven shifted his gaze towards me and asked, “I heard you found yourself a rich boyfriend, Anna. Is that true? When are you going to introduce him to us? We can help you assess his character, you know?”


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