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After Rebirth I Married My EX- Husband's (Enemy Laurel) novel Chapter 141

Chapter 141 Conflict 

Laurel was very surprised

Bruno could be so cunning to this extent

He deliberately wanted to sow discord


Laurel didn’t know that her marriage with Hayden was a marriage of convenience, driven by interests rather than 


The next second, Hayden walked over with big steps

He directly pulled Laurel’s arm with force

Laurel suddenly, in an instant, crashed into Hayden’s chest

She clearly still felt a little pain

Laurel rubbed her nose

Why was Hayden so temperamental

Hayden’s cold voice said, Mr. Scott, instead of worrying about other people’s wives, you should focus more on your own reputation. I heard that the Scott Group has been 

experiencing frequent stock market declines, resulting in the evaporation of approximately 1 billion dollars, all because of Mr. Scott’s involvement.” 

The Scott Group’s turmoil is just a normal fluctuation in the 

Chapter 141 Confict 

business market. Mr. Gilbert, if you have no experience in business, please refrain from making baseless remarks and becoming a laughingstock,” Bruno said, trying to disguise himself and speaking with a mocking tone

Hayden chuckled

At that moment, Laurel, lying in Hayden’s arms, also chuckled

Bruno had no idea that in the following years, or even decades, he would be infuriated by Hayden

Hayden’s abilities were beyond anyone’s imagination

Since you are so confident, let’s pretend I didn’t say anything just now,Hayden seemed disdainful of getting involved with Bruno and coldly stated, But there’s something you should remember. Laurel is now my wife. You better not lay a finger

on her!” 

Bruno’s face darkened

Hayden hugged Laurel and left. At that moment of departure, he paused and added with a sinister tone, Wherever you touch her, I will cut you there!” 

Hayden finished speaking

He walked away with Laurel

Bruno clenched his fist

Hayden, this playboy, shouldn’t think that he really posed at threat to Bruno

Even just Hayden’s appearance, it really made Bruno feel eerie and terrifying


Chapter 141 Confict 

Bruno’s eyes turned fierce


He did not have a good time

No one could have a good time

718 Mouchers 

Hayden hugged Laurel and left

They left but did not return to the hall

Hayden took her directly to another empty corner, forcefully pressing her against the wall and said, Wasn’t the last lesson enough?!” 

Laurel thought that Hayden at that moment had a really bad temper

Didn’t he realize that Bruno did it on purpose just now?! 

Bruno clearly intended to sow discord, and Hayden surprisingly fell for it

Was Hayden stupid

Laurel couldn’t help but feel angry too, and she yelled at Hayden, Why are you so angry? It’s obvious that Bruno did it on purpose, deliberately trying to provoke conflict between us!” 

Do you think I cared about this?” 

Otherwise, what are you so concerned about?! Are you concerned that Bruno touched me?Laurel seemed to be 

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Chapter 141 Confict 

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venting. Can’t you men stop being so selfrighteous? You think that even if you don’t love this woman, as long as she has some connection with you, she must remain pure for you. and cannot be tainted by other men. Any physical contact is seen as an assault on your precious ego. Hayden, we are only in a formal marriage. Even if I were to sleep with Bruno right now, it would be none of your businessUgh!” 

Laurel’s lipswere suddenly sealed tightly by Hayden

She knew

Men are all the same

Bruno was a possessive person

Hayden was too

Laurel thought about the previous life, Bruno had no interest in her body, he wouldn’t even spare a glance at her, let alone. care about her emotions

Now she doesn’t love him anymore, even hates him, but he starts to cling to her shamelessly, even showing his concern for her. Laurel is well aware of this concern, it’s not fake, it’s possessiveness. It’s his pride at stake. It’s not being able to accept that his woman has fallen in love with another man. It’s the more he doesn’t have, the more he must have

This is the inherent nature of all men, born with it and cannot be changed

Laurel’s eyes tightened

Hmm!Hayden abruptly released Laurel’s lips

He glared at Laurel with a fiery temper


Chapter 141 Confict 

There were obvious bloodstains on his lips, clearly bitten by Laurel

Laurel said, Is it only when I went to bed with you that you lost interest in me?” 

Hayden stared at her intently, exuding danger

If that’s the case, find a time and I’ll accompany you to sleep!Laurel said, emphasizing each word

It was just a body

She actually didn’t really care

For her, seeking revenge and living well were more important. than anything else


She could accept it

At that moment, Hayden seemed truly furious with Laurel

He clenched his fist

He suddenly threw a punch fiercely towards Laurel

Laurel gritted her teeth

She endured with her eyes closed

In an instant, she heard a loud noise by her ear, but she didn’t feel any pain

She opened her eyes and watched as Hayden punched the nearby wall hard

Chapter 141 Contic 

The sound was so loud that there was no need to guess how much force he had used. She couldn’t even imagine how swollen and painful his back of the hand would be

Laurel tried to keep herself calm as she stared calmly at Hayden

She was not wrong

She was forced by Bruno to go to the backyard today, and it was not willingly on her part

Bruno deliberately acted in a play, which had nothing to do with her

Even so

Based on her understanding of Hayden, Hayden must have also realized that it was Bruno’s intention

But Hayden knew everything and still got angry at her, when in fact it was his fault

Laurel thought of this

She couldn’t help but strengthen her gaze

She was determined that Hayden was deliberately picking a fight

The two people remained deadlocked for a long time

Long ago


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