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After Rebirth I Married My EX- Husband's (Enemy Laurel) novel Chapter 142

Chapter 142 Danger (1

When Laurel returned to the hall, it was still bustling with 


Unconsciously, she took a tour around the hall and saw Hayden and Erik chatting not far away. They seemed to sense. her gaze and turned their backs directly towards her

Laurel was helpless

Is Hayden so childish

Are they still fighting like children? I can’t believe he would treat her like that

Laurel was inexplicably angry

She also ignored Hayden and went straight to her father


The hall was pitch black

Everyone was a little shocked at that moment

In the banquet hall, a spotlight suddenly lit up

A welldressed man stood under the spotlight, becoming the center of attention for everyone

Laurel suddenly realized when she saw this scene that Paul was going to propose to Shelley tonight

Laurel has truly forgotten things that happened a long time 

Chapter 142 Danger (1


Moreover, in the previous life, Laurel had never attended such

a banquet, and later only came to know about it through news, so it was natural for her not to easily recall it

Shelley,” Paul stood under the spotlight, holding a microphone and a bouquet of flowers. He stood there and suddenly called out her name

Shelley was in the dark at the moment, watching him with an accelerated heartbeat

Everyone also looked at this man who seemed to be not very good at expressing himself, always being an unknown and silent man

Little did he know that he would do such a highprofile thing tonight

We have been in love for 6 years, but I have always been hesitant to propose. I was afraid that I couldn’t give you a good happiness, afraid that I didn’t have the ability to take care of you, afraid that you would feel wronged because of me, afraid that you would regret, afraid of many, many thingsI’m sorry, Shelley, I can’t pretend anymore. I can’t pretend that I don’t love you that much, I can’t pretend that I don’t see your sadness, I can’t pretend that I don’t want to marry you right awayAs Paul spoke, tears seemed to well up in his eyes

Everyone knew about Paul’s birth, so they were deeply moved by his sincere confession

Except for Laurel

Chapter 142 Dange (1

Laurel looked coldly at Paul’s performance

A perfect performance

Like Bruno

The tricks of scumbags used to be the same

She didn’t mind dealing with one scumbag, and she didn’t mind dealing with two either

Shelley, will you marry me?Paul’s gentle voice suddenly became straightforward

He spoke frankly to a woman in the darkness, saying deeply

Shelley cried

Shelley never even thought that Paul would propose to her

He even proposed to her in such a highprofile manner

She always thought that even if they got married, it would be a lowkey wedding, never expecting that Paul would give her such a big surprise

She didn’t even hesitate for a moment

Shelley ran over and, wearing high heels, ran straight into Paul’s arms

Paul suddenly lifted Shelley up, holding her tightly and spinning her around, looking absolutely beautiful

For a while

Paul reluctantly set Shelley down

Chapter 142 Danger (1

After letting go, the two individuals locked eyes

788 Mothers 

Paul said, Shelley, I have nothing now, but I swear I will do my best to give you the greatest happiness.” 

I believed in you,” Shelley answered firmly, tears streaming down her face

Paul’s lips curled into a smile

He knelt down, placing the flowers and microphone on the ground, and took out a delicate box from his suit pocket

The box opened, and a dazzling diamond ring appeared in front of everyone

The diamond ring was not big, but it was very unique

Paul asked Shelley again, Shelley, would you marry me?” 

I was willing,Shelley said without any hesitation

Paul’s uncontrollable smile bloomed on his face. He took Shelley’s hand and placed the engagement ring on her ring finger

The size was just right

The whole audience erupted in enthusiastic applause

It was a blessing

Paul stood up from the ground

He gently cupped Shelley’s cheeks and planted a kiss on her 


Chemier 142 Danger Пр 

Two people kissed passionately and tenderly

288 Vouchers 

They must have been deeply in love to be so touching and moving

Nathan looked on, thought, and then smiled

Even though his smile became increasingly bitter

He used to think that he had done well enough

When leaving this city, Nathan warned himself to completely forget Shelley before coming back

Four years have passed

Nathan thought he had forgotten, so he chose to come back under his mother’s desperate plea for death

Coming back, he also never forgot to remind himself at all times to face Shelley with the most peaceful mindset, without any unrealistic thoughts

But obviously


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