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Alpha Asher and Lola novel Chapter 190

Read Alpha Asher by Jane Doe Chapter 190

I laughed, belting out a string of giggles that probably made me look insane, but I didn’t really care.

Zeke glanced at Asher; his eyes wary. “Think she’s going feral too? Should we run?”

“I’m not going feral, you jerk.” I scoffed, swatting at him. “You understand how crazy that sounds, right? The power to change reality…that’s just not possible. If it was, why wouldn’t I have just snapped my damn fingers and made the Blood Witch disappear or turn into a toad?”

Asher spun the book around to face me, but it was Zeke that spoke.

“Probably because it’s not that simple. It says here that Conjuration is the hardest form of magic to master because of how easy it is to slip up. A single thought or desire that’s too strong can become reality, which is both a good and bad thing. This paragraph talks about how conjuring drains the witch’s energy differently and mentions the different types of power the witch pulls from when she’s conjuring. I’m sure we’ll learn more on the next page.”

He turned the page and paused, his curious expression morphing into a full- blown grimace. I had to hand it to him, Zeke could look downright scary when he wanted.

“There’s pages missing, quite a few from the looks of it.” Asher grunted, glowering at the book like he was commanding it to regrow them.

I pulled the book closer, looking down at the cluster of torn pages, the paper frayed and split where the person responsible had ripped them from the book. A weight settled in my stomach, as though it knew the missing information was something important, something that could help us.

“Couldn’t I just make them reappear?” I said.

Zeke shook his head, “I don’t think so. You don’t know what’s on the pages. There’s a chance that if you managed to make them reappear, they’d just be blank.”

I snarled under my breath, my frustration building. This was a new development, one I was still struggling to believe, but I could see why the witches were so hell-bent on getting to me before I found a way to master this new power.

Both Zeke and Asher turned their attention back to the book, while my own thoughts wandered.

It was beginning to make sense why the shadows now followed my every command. They wouldn’t have much of a choice if I were using conjuration to exact my will onto them. Part of me began to feel guilty, but then I remembered the horrible things the shadows were capable of. That eased the feeling until it was nothing more than an insignificant throb in my chest.

The further my thoughts delved, the more I began to realize that this wasn’t the first time I’d used my magic. That was the odd feeling that washed through me, coating my insides in an electric current that made my body hum with power.

Oh, shit. The realization materialized from thin air, whacking me upside the head so hard I saw stars. That’s how Cordelia’s book ended up in my bag. Conjuration.

The most recent I’d felt that feeling was in the van, when I told Dina the Vampire’s had survived the warehouse fire. Unfortunately, that rush of power was followed by a wave of absolute exhaustion.

If what the book was saying were true, then there was a strong chance the Vampire’s, Deacon’s snarky ass included, had survived Ember’s attack. Still, I couldn’t go to Dina with the news until I was absolutely sure. I knew the panic associated with not knowing if your mate were alive, and even though she and I were strangers, I couldn’t bare doing that to one of my own.

“There’s got to be a way to know for sure. We need to test it.” I exhaled, now more determined than ever to hand it to these witches.

Zeke turned with excitement burning in his eyes. He practically hummed with it, taking on an eager grin that helped ease my nerves. I could see the gears turning in his head, most likely flitting through ideas. I had no doubt he’d ask me to conjure him up a mate, or even some magical powers of his own.

He never got the chance to voice those ideas since Asher beat him to the punch.

“Tristan’s mark…” My mate grunted, his eyes darkening as they began to swirl with gold. “Remove it.”

Well, that made Maya perk her head up. She’d been quiet all morning, unashamed with how content having sex with Asher made her feel. I was a bit more understanding than my wolf when it came to Tristan’s mark on my neck, even though I wanted it gone as badly as she did. Maya had been all too willing to kill Tristan to remove the mark, a fixation she’d finally given up when he pledged his loyalty to us.


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