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Alpha Asher and Lola novel Chapter 191

Read Alpha Asher by Jane Doe Chapter 191

The moment my eyes opened; I regretted every single decision I’d ever made that led me to this point in time.

Everything hurt.

“F*****g h**l.” I tried to groan, but my tongue stuck to the inside of my cheek.

Clutching my head, I tried to turn over. Sharp, pulsating pain left my nerve endings blistered and raw. I swore I could feel my skull rattling in my head like it was full of rocks. Something was blocking me from moving, and that something immediately stoked my anger, not that there was anything I could do given my current condition.

The second time I tried to pry my eyes open, I felt tears drizzle down my cheeks. What light surrounded me b****d and made the migraine I had much worse. I was surrounded by a mass of color that moved and twitched. It carried the scents of Asher and Zeke, but they weren’t the only ones I recognized.

“Let me up. Goddess, is there a boulder on top of me or something?” I snarled, my mouth bone dry.

In the background, someone chuckled. I’m pretty sure it was Zeke, or possibly even Mason. That didn’t make much sense though considering Zeke said Clara and Mason wouldn’t be back for another hour or two.

“Good to know she’s not fatally wounded.” Someone chuckled.

This time I was certain, that laugh belonged to Mason. It was full of warmth, even if it sounded strained and tainted with worry.

Zeke’s voice appeared much too close to my ear. “That boulder you’re talking about is your mate.”

I snarled at the two of them, lifting my arms to shove Asher away, but it felt like my limbs had been injected with lead. There was something soft beneath me. A bed, I assumed. I felt it shift as the immoveable presence keeping me in place drifted away. Rolling onto my side helped lessen the throb in my head but did nothing to help me open my eyes.

Slowly, something grazed my forehead. It was both soft and rough, but the immediate rush of sparks told me exactly who was touching me. His voice filled my mind, but it was hazy and muffled, lingering around the edges of my migraine without managing to break through. The feel of my mate close by did help ease the pain, but it still took several minutes before I was able to keep my eyes open.

“What the h**l happened?” I mumbled, s********g down another mouthful of water.

I felt like I’d run an entire marathon in human form, then shifted and bounded through the woods for another seven hours. Using my magic unintentionally never once felt like this. If this was how it would feel every time I conjured something, I wasn’t sure how I’d defeat the witches.

Asher cupped my face, cradling it in his large hand. For a moment, the world around us melted away, along with the curious eyes of Zeke, Mason, and Clara. Even my worries didn’t dare stand a chance, vanishing one by one until only the hum of the mate-bond occupied my thoughts.

I groaned softly, the pain already dimming. “Ugh, I love you.”

Even though I hadn’t yet opened my eyes, I could tell Asher was smiling. It was one of those soft smiles he reserved for my eyes alone. He must’ve been shaken up if he were looking at me like that in front of all these people.

“I love you as well, mate.” He murmured huskily.

Hovering around me was Zeke, Clara, and Mason, each one with a look of curiosity on their faces. Turning onto my side, I felt the stiffness of the cot beneath my shoulder, and realized we were all packed inside the holding cell. I blinked at the four of them, Asher included. Every muscle in my body voiced their disagreement as I tried to sit up.

“What the h**l happened?” I grunted, stretching out my arms and wincing. “It feels like I just lifted a c**p ton of weights. Everything hurts.”

Both of the Alpha’s turned to Clara for an answer, but the curvy witch merely shrugged and shook her head. The jungle of curls tumbling down her shoulders bounced and swished from the movement.

“Don’t you two go lookin’ at me for answers. Just cause I’m a witch don’t mean I know what’s going on with her. And I’ll remind you guys that we got here after she passed out.” She said, placing her hands on her hips.

Asher’s jaw tensed, but he did a good job of hiding his irritation. “Is it normal for witches to pass out after using their magic?”


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