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Alpha Asher and Lola novel Chapter 202

Read Alpha Asher by Jane Doe Chapter 202

“Glad to see you survived.” I commented, my attention sliding to the woman that clung to his side.

Bridgette met my stare, her eyes strong and slender nose upturned as she nodded respectfully. She’d once looked at me like I were the enemy, analyzing the way I stood and moved as though she were searching for weak points, but not anymore. She seemed completely at ease in this quaint little house, perched on the arm of the antique sofa with a glass of what I knew to be blood in her hand.

She wasn’t the only one in the room, though. There were a few other Vampire’s, most of which had been here for a few weeks now. Two men around Asher’s age, one with hair as pale as snow and the other with curls that mirrored Giovanni’s, though they were a tad bit more unruly, were situated on a set of recliners just off to the side.

“Well, when you told me this one here was alive, I had no choice but to get back to her.” Deacon grunted, his ice-cold gaze thawing when he turned it towards Bridgette.

Asher, who had been quietly observing everyone, gestured to the large map sprawled out on the coffee table.

“What is this for?”

Deacon extracted himself from Bridgette, who frowned at him like she hadn’t gotten her fill of his touch, which she probably hadn’t considering they both almost died recently.

The man I was still coming to terms with as my uncle extended his hand for Asher to grasp.

“Alpha Asher, I’d say it’s nice to finally meet you, but I’ve heard all the rumors and know that most who cross your path don’t stay alive for very long.” He grunted, a hint of amusement weaseling its way onto his face, softening the sharp angles that must’ve belonged to my father’s father.

Asher shrugged but didn’t hesitate to stare Deacon down with his golden-flecked eyes, taking his hand securely in his own.

“That’s typically because they threaten what’s mine. I don’t sense you’ll make that mistake though.” He mused, his lips twitching and eyes darting down to where I stood when I jabbed my elbow into his ribcage.

‘Play nice…’ I said through the mind-link.

“Seems like it’s a common occurrence that smart, powerful women end up saddled with hot-headed men.” Deacon snorted, glancing back at Bridgette.

“Who better to keep us in line?” Giovanni said smoothly, a ghost in the corner of the living room.

“See? He gets it. Though from what I hear, Lola gets herself into a fair amount of trouble as well.” Deacon chuckled, quickly rubbing at the stubble on his face before tapping the surface of the map. His finger landed on the forest that surrounded this little town, the border to the safe haven we’d constructed. “We’re setting up a perimeter around the town. I did everything in my power to make sure we weren’t followed, but we don’t have magic on our side. The witches do.”

Dina appeared in the doorway, her eyes wide and voice harsh.

“You said ‘we.’ Does that mean Spence is here too? Where is he, Deacon?” Her words trembled as a note of fear slithered its way into her throat.

I’d seen Deacon in action, and he was just as intimidating as my father, but his range of emotions was far beyond that of the previous Vampire King. Sadness rippled across his face, tainting the blues of his eyes until they grew darker in color.

“He was wounded badly, Dina.” Was all Deacon said before Dina surged forward.

She and Bridgette must’ve had some sort of standing with one another, because the auburn-haired Vampire didn’t stop Dina or seem threatened by her in the slightest. She stood back and let Deacon handle things, even though her expression was a tad pinched.

“Don’t tell me you f*****g left him there.” Dina spat, her eyes dark as unlit coal, burning with a fire void of light. “I swear on everything that you love—”

“Of course, I didn’t leave him there. F**k, Dina. You know I care about Spence more than that.” Deacon grunted, staring the ferocious Vampire down with equal parts anger and understanding. “He was the only one that was hurt. Surprisingly, everyone else made it out alive. There were no casualties. I think he’s been waiting for you, fighting off d***h until you got here.”

I heard what Deacon said, that part about no one d***g, but it quickly slid into the background when he led Dina to the small staircase beside the fireplace. It was the first door at the top of the stairs that he took her to, still visible from where I stood. The moment the door cracked open, I heard her ragged gasp hit the air, followed by the scent of charred flesh.

It twisted my stomach, flipped it inside out and embedded itself onto every inch of my memory so that I’d never forget.


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