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Alpha Asher and Lola novel Chapter 203

Read Alpha Asher by Jane Doe Chapter 203

Several seconds passed, flitting into the ether as we all stared at one another, shock written clear across our features only in different fonts. Any and all laughter vanished from the room, it’s absence letting silence leak in like a d**g.

Asher and Deacon were the first to break free of it’s hypnotic gaze, barking out orders that were both awe-inspiring and terrifying.

“We must’ve been followed, but I’m betting it was Lola’s appearance that made them act so soon. It would’ve been smartest to attack during broad daylight. We’d be sitting ducks that way.” Deacon snarled.

Asher’s eyes momentarily glazed over, caught in a mind-link that left him biting back a growl.

“Witches are close to the border of town. They’re close to breaking through. I’ve got six wolves stationed here. Four are currently fighting, two are rounding up every child and elderly person in town.” His grimace deepened, and my blood ran cold from the sheer harshness of it. “There’s a witch setting things on fire. That wouldn’t happen to be the one you want d**d, is it?”

Dina rubbed the palms of her hands together, her teeth gnashed into a line as she smiled savagely. “That b***h is mine. She’s going to be six feet under for what she did to Spence.”

“Gather as many as you can, anyone willing to fight. With luck, you’ll get your wish, and that witch will be d**d before sunrise.” Deacon said to Dina, clasping her on the shoulder with a firm hand.

During that split second where they looked into each other’s eyes, I thought something might’ve passed between them, an unspoken vow of sorts. Before I could decipher what it might’ve been, Dina was out the front door.

“I’m going to help them. Those witches won’t know what hit them.” Breyona chimed in, a deadly glint to my best friends eyes.

She met Giovanni’s intense stare before searching my face. It took me a moment to realize she was asking for permission. I might’ve been her Luna, but it was likely that these were the witches that had helped m****r her parents. Justice wasn’t something I’d keep from her, no matter how much I wanted her safe. Just like me, Breyona had been given the gift of power, and power demanded to be used.

“Go.” I told her. “Make sure they know exactly who they’ve f****d with.”

When she slipped out of the kitchen, I grabbed onto Giovanni’s arm before he could follow. He turned his impossibly dark eyes on me, and I felt them probing my face, peeling back the layers to every emotion I hid within.

“Keep her safe, Giovanni.” I all but begged him.

“I will.” He promised.

With that, he and Tristan left, followed by Sean and finally, Zeke. Mason seemed to have grown pale during that time. Worry b****d in his eyes, fear written across his soft features that brought me back to that awful night, the night I helped k**l his mate. He had the same look on his face as he stared at Clara.

“I’ll be safe here, Mason. I won’t leave this house. I promise.” She said soothingly, her plump lips softening into a reassuring smile that took away some of the agony on his face.

“You’ll be here when I get back?” He mumbled, seeing no one but the curvy witch that demanded his full attention.

She nodded, her curls bouncing around her shoulders. “I will. I’ll be right here.”

A look of utter surprise lifted my eyebrows and parted my lips when Mason pulled Clara into his arms and smashed his lips against hers, pouring every ounce of his worry and fear into her willing embrace. She accepted it all, tangling her fingers in his hair to draw him deeper, matching every stroke and sigh he let out with one of her own. When they pulled apart, both were breathless and red in the face.

“I want a kiss like that before we go out there.” Bridgette mumbled, her eyes darting up to skewer Deacon.

My heart just about stalled in my chest when Asher’s voice flooded my head.

‘Lola, can I talk to you in private?’

‘Now?’ I replied, glancing at the front door.

He nodded stiffly, tilting his head towards the living room. Neither Deacon nor Bridgette commented as we slipped out of sight. The front door slammed shortly after, letting me know Mason had officially left to join the fight.

The longer Asher stared at me, flecks of pure gold swirling in his irises like fireflies in the d**d of night, the more I felt myself teeter towards the edge. Already adrenaline was coursing through my veins, growing stronger with each one of our friends that left to join the fight. If I didn’t act—didn’t do something, I swore I’d explode.

“Lola—” He began, and I felt my control slip ever so slightly.

I shook my head at him, perhaps a bit harder than necessary, but I needed to get my point across.

“Do not tell me I can’t go out there, Asher. I get it, you want to keep me safe, but you can’t. Maybe once you could’ve, but with magic and witches and evil spells meant to take away my free will, you just can’t anymore. We are not going to win this by locking me away in a tower like some Princess while our friends fight for their lives. I love you, Asher, but I am going out there to fight.” I exhaled, my heart pulsing against my ribcage as he stared and stared.

I hadn’t meant for it to come out like that, rushed and callous, but we had seconds—seconds to get this out in the open. We should’ve talked about it sooner, gotten it over with and communicated, but it became too easy to shove it all under the rug and enjoy the blissful moments we had together.


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