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Alpha Asher and Lola novel Chapter 214

Chapter 214

Midnight, that was when Rowena would start the spell that would crack open Tessa’s mind and unleash her innermost thoughts.

There were risks involved, serious risks.

For one, Zeke could go insane. His own subconscious shredded in an attempt to reach Tessa’s. Two, what Tessa said. earlier could be right. 1

What if doing the spell doesn’t matter? What if the witches are already here?

We had all day to kill, and I was seriously not looking forward to it. Well, that was until Asher said he had something planned for us, something we needed to do. 1

“You’re not going to tell me where we’re going, are you?” I grumbled; my voice disgruntled even though my insides were. twisting with excitement.

Asher’s laugh was low and smooth, rumbling in his chest. It tickled the spot in between my shoulder blades, right where his body met my back. Thanks to the blindfold he tied around my face, all I could see was red, scraggly fabric. He’d put it on right after we stopped by his

parent’s house and made me keep it on the entire car ride. Even my nose seemed content on betraying me, because the only scents I picked up were that of the town and forest.

“Nope. Not even if you begged.” He hummed thoughtfully. “Actually, scratch that. I might just tell you if you beg.”

Never one to pass up an opportunity, I dug my heels into the dirt and jutted my lower lip out in a pout.

“Where are we going? Please tell me,

Alpha.” I half purred; half whined.

Asher’s steps faltered, and the sudden loss of momentum made him press into my backside. I had to bite back a victorious laugh when I felt the imprint of his stiff cock against my lower back.

“Lola, I’d advise you not to do that.” He grunted; his voice lower.

“Why, Alpha? What’s going to happen to me?” I feigned innocence, my voice silky and sweet.

Asher’s heartrate jumped, and through the mate-bond I could feel his desire spike, heating like coals on the verge of bursting into flame. I went to turn my head in his direction and felt the soft outline of his lips coast along my ear. His hands found my hips just as a shudder worked its way through me.

“I’m about three seconds away from bending you over the nearest tree stump and fucking you until you can’t walk. That’s what’s going to happen to you.”

Oh. 1

The gravely notes of his voice trailed down my neck, licking and heating my flesh until I had to squeeze my legs shut to keep him from picking up on the arousal pooling low in my belly.

“This place you’re taking us to. Is it better than you fucking me over the nearest tree stump?” I asked sweetly.

Asher groaned. “For Goddess’s sake,

Lola. Yes, it’s better, but I’m not going to have much of a choice if you keep it up.”

To emphasize his point, he pulled my hips backwards, grinding the full length of his now fully erect cock against my backside.

We continued walking in silence, but the urge to poke and prod at the beast was too strong. With every step we took and every crunch of gravel beneath our feet, it continued to grow. I’d long learned to keep my big mouth under wraps, but with Asher I didn’t have to try so hard. 1

“So, if you fuck me over a tree stump until I can’t walk does that mean you’ll carry me the rest of the way?”

Asher groaned.


I snickered softly but managed to behave the rest of the walk. There came a point where the heady crunch of gravel turned soft, much like soil. Every couple seconds the snap of a twig breaking beneath my feet could be heard, along with the rustle of foliage.

Minutes ticked by when I began to hear the quiet whoosh of running water. Excitement bubbled in my stomach, bringing a smile to my face but I tampered it down for the time being.

Eventually it grew louder and was accompanied by the scent of fresh water and sunshine.


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