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Alpha Asher and Lola novel Chapter 215

Chapter 215

There’s nothing soft about the way his lips claim mine. His kisses embody who he is down to his core. They’re all consuming, a raging inferno that devours and destroys everything it touches. The way his hand rises to snare my throat claiming everything, even the air I breathe, as his own.

My body ached, throbbing with the desperate need to be filled, to be as close to our mate as humanly possible.

“Asher, you’re killing me. I can’t wait any longer.” I whimpered, lifting my hips until the firmness of his cock rubbed against my opening, grinding into the little bundle of nerves that had me seeing stars. “Please…please fuck me.”

With one last resounding snarl, Asher complied.

The lake, the beach, even the gorgeous waterfall in the distance faded into nothingness. We could’ve been in a piss poor tent in the middle of the woods, and it wouldn’t have mattered. Every touch dragged me further into his depths, while every seductive word he whispered pulled me under, the currents so strong that I didn’t bother to fight.

I’d lost count of how many times I’d plummeted off the edge, but before long Asher took the fall right by my side. 1

We laid next to each other on the blanket, both of us sopping wet from wrapping up in the lake. He pushed himself into a sitting position and opened the picnic basket. Water dribbled from the longest parts of his hair down his sloped jawline, all the way down to his muscular chest. I followed a few droplets with my eyes as they traveled down the grooves of his abs, lost to the trimmed hair above his cock.

“If you keep looking at me like that, I’m going to flip you over and fuck you again.” He said darkly, making me realize he wasn’t rummaging through the basket like I’d thought.

“I wouldn’t complain.” I smirked.

“I’m sure you wouldn’t, but then you wouldn’t be able to drink these…” He teased, pulling not one, but two blood bags from the basket.

I gasped. “You really did think of everything.”

Asher looked in the basket a second time and frowned. “Actually, I didn’t think of everything. I must’ve left the water in the car. There’s some sandwiches and bags of chips in there. Go ahead and eat, I’ll be right back.”

“Oh, okay.” I shrugged.

Pulling out the sandwiches and chips from the basket, I set them aside along with the blood bag’s he’d handed me. I wasn’t going to start eating until he came back, but when I finished laying everything out, I had the distinct feeling there was someone behind me.

The breeze shifted directions, sending Asher’s spicy sent billowing over my head.

“I thought you went back to the car?” I said confused.

“Actually, I just remembered I had what I needed.” He replied instantly.

A whisper of nervousness vibrated down the bond, drawing my concern. I twisted around to look back at him, and what I saw made my mouth go dry.

Asher was right behind me, so close he could reach out and touch me if he wanted to, but it would’ve been hard to do considering he was currently down on one knee, a small velvet box in his open. hand.

“Lola…” His deep, gravely voice came out hoarse. “I knew from the moment I first saw you, when you showed up late to your first day of training, that you were different than anyone I’d ever met. I’d spent my life surrounded by people that feared me or would bend over backwards to please me. None of it was genuine, and I hated every second of it. You refused to submit-you tested me, challenged me at every turn and no matter how much I tried to hate you, I couldn’t stop myself from falling.” 2

The world melted away again, leaving only Asher and the little box in his hand. Even the heavy thud of my heart faded into the background, taking with it every frantic, hair brained thought that squealed in my head. Marriage wasn’t something all werewolves did, but there were a few that indulged in the human tradition. I’d never truly thought about it, but seeing Asher bare his soul and hearing him pledge his love, it was well worth it. 1

He went to open the box and as his fingers trembled, I sank my teeth into my lip to keep from crying out a resounding,


I was lost the second I laid eyes on the ring inside. The delicate band was made of tiny golden threads that wrapped around one another, all circling a gemstone the same warm amber as Asher’s eyes. It twinkled in the sunlight as though it were winking at me. 1

“This ring belonged to my mother and her mother before. Some…someday it’ll be passed down to our daughter. I’ve already asked your father for his permission, so it’s up to you now.” Asher said gently, his eyes so warm and unbearably soft as they scoured my face.” Lola, I promise to stand by your side through every storm. There isn’t a future. for me without you in it, not in this life or the next. This pack-this world, is better with you in it and I want nothing more than to be by your side, watching you do these incredible things. You’re going to change everything, and my only hope is that I’ll be there to see it myself. Will you do me the honor of marrying me? Will you be my wife?” s


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