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Alpha Blake novel Chapter 12


  I stood there, before Damian. My hand gripped tight around my katana, I knew he was eager to try a swing from this baby.

  He let out a loud shriek when he saw it come out of its harness from the back of me, right before I split his buddy in half with it. Making his fellow buddy ignite in flames.

  " So how about it princess?. Your call... go home with me, and be my own personal sex slave... or I can kill you right now.... tick-tock your call. I won't wait around all day." 

  I glared at him, my eyes growing dark as I let Hazel take partially over me.

  And that's when it happened for the first time. My body looked like it was glowing. I didn't know what was happening, but by the shocking look on Damian's face and the way James was looking at me.... it didn't look good.

  Yet, the energy that surged through me felt so good. I felt the power and my body felt at ease. 

  He smiled evilly, knowing I was ready to give him a good fight. He placed his hand on his back, taking out his own sword. Gripping it hard, he launched at me.

  Throwing his sword over his head and down towards me, I covered his blow crossing my katana under his... time after time he swung at me, and time after time I stopped his blow. 

  I pushed him, kicking him on his chest making him slide back, he bent over stopping himself, placing his free hand on the ground. Hazel had just had enough, she took over unexpectedly. 

  Making me shift in under two seconds. His eyes glowed red, a bright grin on his face, standing back on his feet. Composing himself to stand straight.

  He fixed his vest, and shook his hands, going back to a combat position, ready to continue our fight. His fangs exposed, and I had to warn Hazel...

  "Don't let him bite you Haze... you know what will happen. He'll have you paralyzed for a good five minutes with his stupid venom from his fangs." I warned her.

  "I know Selene... I'll be careful." But he was faster. He launched at Hazel, causing her to fall, whimpering as he dug his sword on her upper hind paw. 

  It caused her to fall flat on her stomach, and as he pinned her down, the sword right through her flesh.... it hurt me too. I felt the pain and her blood flowing out her paw.

  I yelled and cried from both of our pain. He stuck his ugly fangs on Hazel's neck. 

  The heat and pain mixture of his venom took over my body in excruciating pain. I tried shifting back, but the sedation of his venom had me paralyzed in just under seconds. Just when I gathered enough strength, I forced myself to shift back... but it was so painful.... so slow, it looked like I was moving in slow motion.

  James was being pinned down by two other vampires... and Jazzy, along with Caleb was struggling... battling against multiple attackers.

  I looked up with whatever strength I had, seeing Damian raised his sword over his head... I knew it was my end. I couldn't move, I couldn't speak. I closed my eyes as he swung his sword. Waiting for the strike to take my life.

  ....... But it never came... 

  I heard loud shrieks, someone yelled their lungs out. I opened my eyes and saw Miranda's lifeless body before me. 

  "No.... no!" My heart shattered. My voice broke. I felt a big knot rolled up in my throat, enabling me to speak... all I could do was yell in frustration. 


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