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Alpha Blake novel Chapter 13


  Blake and I had rested for a while in our room. Well, at least I did for the most part. Since he was called down just twenty minutes after, by Alpha Stewart to work out their new peace treaty and alliance contract between the three packs.

  Around five in the afternoon, my girl Jazzy came up to my room. They had finally arrived. She got settled and then made her way to my room while my brother Ty had gone to join them in the meeting. 

  He had stayed behind giving last-minute orders that I'm guessing Blake had told him to do around our pack's territory. 

  "So, what do you think of this place? Pretty nice huh?" Jazzy asked

  " Yeah, I guess." 

  "Ok... spill it. What's going on?" 

  I took a long sigh, rolling my eyes. We were both on top of my bed, she leaned against my headboard, and I lay across on my stomach looking at a magazine.

  I closed the magazine and turned towards her.

  "I just feel like something isn't right Jaz, something here is just not letting me be at ease."

  "You know.... maybe you're just overreacting hon. You're used to being on edge and always alert because of a sudden vampire attack on our barracks. But we're not in Sanborn anymore Selene.... we're home."

  "I know... I know we're home..... we should all have gone home Jaz.... but we're not all home are we?"

  She played with the hem of her dress, her eyes watered knowing I meant Miranda should have been home too.

  "Selene.... you need to stop blaming yourself for her death. Damian is the one-"

  "Don't Jaz.... it was my fault. I should have been more alert that day. I should have protected her.... rest assure Jaz... I will find him someday, and when I do, I will make sure he wishes he'd been dead long ago." I say, my eyes filling with tears, a knot caught in my throat and I hadn't realized I was gripping the magazine so harsh it tore the pages as I twisted them.


  We got ready around six in the afternoon. Blake had sent me a mind link asking me to change into something else and meet him along with everyone else for dinner.

  "Darling, dinner is in an hour. Please make yourself present downstairs, I will be waiting for you. We will be seated at table four. Dress with something sexy for me."

  I blushed as he talked through the mind link. He always makes me feel blushed. 

  "Ok sweetheart. I'll be down in an hour."

  "Jaz, we gotta get ready. " I said to her.


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