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Alpha Dorian (Alpha Brothers Box Set) novel Chapter 29

Chapter 1

Sometimes your life is a total mess and well this time it was mine.

First of all I had to do two jobs to pay for the rents as my dad and mom were too busy enjoying themselves on a world tour.


They had been saving for this trip since two years and well I was glad. An year ago my dad had become a drug addict and didn't come home for six months straight.

And my mom. She couldn't handle the pain of losing him so she got diagnosed with brain tumor.

Not the best life you see.

But true love never betrays you. Seventh months later my dad knocked at our door at midnight.

So fortunately, after therapy he became one of those people who started to hate drugs. Mom's tumor also got cured as she started to remain happy and take her medicines on time.

So now things were alright.


And well for me, it had been three years since I had gone to a holiday and my body was aching for one.

But no money.

I was currently on my job at the cinema, which consisted of showing people in which row to sit in and this way I also got to see free movies.

But believe me, it's not fun with standing and having no nachos.

It was half an hour till I packed up and headed to my second job which consisted of a librarian.

But I looked forward to it.

Books are a way of escaping life. You can call me a nerd and I will totally appreciate it.

Because nerds are totally better than bimbos who want to make out with every guy.

I wish I could be the bad girl, go to parties, get drunk, lose my V card, but no I couldn't because I couldn't come out of the guilt after that.

And that's the reason I was a severe anxiety patient. I stayed up in books and then couldn't decipher between this world or the book world.

My bad days included severe panic attacks in which I stayed in my room. I never did understand why I had them but I kept crying without a reason.

My mind got full of darkness and negativity and thats how I started judging people which I deeply regretted after I came out of my trauma.

But its life and we have to face the darkness in order to see the moon.

I came out of my thoughts when my phone vibrated.


Go to row number ten , seat 5 and by the way Chloe helped me with this.

Okey so for introductiona Adrian is my cousin or you can call my best friend. He is a total play boy billionare who is the only person that thinks I'm cool.


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