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Alpha Dorian (Alpha Brothers Box Set) novel Chapter 4

Chapter 4

Dorian entered inside. The site of him made my stomach flutter. He was wearing a full sleeve gray t-shirt with some black sweat pants.

As soon as he entered, we made eye contact but I shifted my gaze to the window because I knew it would get awkward and I would start gawking at him.

I felt his presence come closer to me until he sat down on the edge of the bed. I looked at him, our eyes immediately connection. He came and sat next to me, brushing my hands with his. Soon his hand took hold of mine and tingles erupted in my body.

"How are you darling?" His voice asked.

"I'm fine" I managed to choke out. His eyes scanned mine and I kept staring into his. A silence fell in the room. We both stared at each other. His touch bought me comfort, I could feel the satisfaction of my wolf. I felt his fingers trail the lines on my hands and automatically I closed my eyes.

The tiredness was getting to me and I was slowly drifting of into a slumber when suddenly his phone rang and I immediately opened my eyes.

"I'm sorry" he whispered and then immediately made his way out of the room. I couldn't understand what happened.


"Wake up Sydney it's 3:00 pm!" my mom yelled.

Did I mention I was not a morning person?

"Oh come on mom it's Sunday" I yelled.

"Marinda's family is coming for dinner today!" she yelled.

Oh godd.

It had been a week since I met Dorian. I don't know why but since then I had avoided going to their house. My introvert self was not ready to meet him especially after the last time. I knew the warewolf hormones had gotten to me that day but I shoudn't have let him touch me.

But Marinda had told me that he was out of town for some pack business and I coudn't be more relieved.

I got out of bed and went straight to the washroom. After spending a good hour in my tub of hot water, I went to the cupboard and took out some black skinny jeans with my white long sleeve t-shirt.

"Mom what's for breakfast?" I asked her as I went to downstairs.

"Sydney do you think this is the time for breakfast? "She asked.

I nodded my head with puppy dog eyes.

"No breakfast for you today!" She stated strictly and then entered my knight in the shining armour.



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