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Alpha Dorian (Alpha Brothers Box Set) novel Chapter 43

Chapter 15

He was not walking or running, he was flying. His dark black wings moved perfectly as he flew in the sky.

The wind in the sky and his fast fly rate made it impossible for me to open my eyes. The mark was paining extremely hard, I could almost hear my pulse.

And then I heard it. I heard a voice inside me.

'Pearl bite him hard in the wings.'

It was Ozymandius. I could hear him. He was extremely furious.

My blood raced. My body was shaking in fear as andreline rushed through my vains. But this was my chance, I had to be my own hero. I had to prove myself that I was capable of myself.

I stared down, and there stood all the people of the pack shooting arrows at the monster.

I gripped his neck tightly. My self defense classes were to work right now. And with full force I bit the left side of his wing.

I screamed as he roared in pain and his left wing started to turn into ashes. His body became unbalance and he started to fall to the ground.

My hands lost grip of him and then suddenly I was falling to the ground. But then I heard a furious growl, and I knew who it belonged to.

He was in rage as his wolf took over and he jumped, he jumped so high that his teeth grasped my shirt, my body now in the hold of his wolf as he put me to the ground.

His wolf was in rage as he circled me. The whole pack was aware of this now and everyone was gathered around.

I saw Ozymandius convert back into his human form and wear a trouser, his gaze not leaving mine.

I closed my eyes as I felt him embrace me into his arms tightly. I could feel his fast heart beat as he carried me into the house.

I was in a deep shit, and I knew it.


As soon as he took me in the room, I was put to the ground. I could sense it that I was in deep trouble.

His eyes were staring deep down into mine, waiting for my next move as I tried to think of an excuse to gain independence from his gaze.

"Washroom." I whispered, as I made my way to the washroom but I was pinned to the door, as Ozymandius removed the hair covering my neck to take a look at his mark.

It still hurted, it did but as soon as his warm fingertips touched it, sparks erupted.

"Look into my eyes." he growled lowly.

I was scared. I really was. His eyes had the ability to held me captive, to intimidate me and to make me feel to comply to every thing he said.

"Pearl, I said look into my eyes." he whispered, his voice now rough.

My body complied to his command again as I looked at his eyes, staring straight into mine.

His hands moved to my waist gripping it tightly.

"You are mine." he stated as his hands trailed up to my chest, bringing my body on fire.

"This is all mine." he whispered his hands now trailing down to my lower body.

"Only mine."he growled lowly.

My body was on fire. His gaze had once again captivated me. His words were like fire into my soul.

He pressed his body more closer to mine, his eyes never leaving me.

"Who do you belong to?" he asked.

"Stop." I whispered.

I shook my eyes, my body now fearing this demanding side of him.

"Tell me Pearl." he growled.

"Ozymandius's" I whispered my eyes not looking at him.

"I can touch you anytime I want because you are mine, only mine." he growled lowly.

I was breathless right now. His body was totally hovering on me, his gaze overpowering me.


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