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Alpha Dorian (Alpha Brothers Box Set) novel Chapter 63

That night as I lay in my bed I thought that those eyes were the most magical thing I had seen. They looked a type of unreal that was too real.

They had something unique in them and that was what sparked my curiosity to visit that forest even more.

I wanted to capture them. Not because they would surely grant me an A but because I wanted the proof for myself that what I had seen was real.

But who did they belong to?

Was it a mountain lion? Or maybe a dog? Or maybe some alien? Or maybe a wolf?

And this thought scared me. Eventhough, I was a nature person but the big animals like dogs and wolves really scared me.


The morning arrived like it was supposed to.

And also I didn't need an alarm to wake me up. Now you would be wondering that I was in such a beautiful place full of nature so I would have woken up to the sun rays or the chirping of the birds but let's keep that to the movies.

I woke up to the moaning of Amelia. So carefully I peeked through my blanket to see that make out session in full swing.

"God find a room!" I screamed as I ran out of the room.

"That's what we did!" I heard Greyson shout back.


And now I was clearly awake and had nothing to do.

Well that was wrong. I had lots to do.

The first thing included taking a bath in the room which apparently Mike and Greyson were sharing. And after eating some delicious pancakes, I grabbed Mike's hoodie since I could no longer go into my own room and my camera and set out for exploration .

Now as much as I wanted to go into the forest infront of me, I decided it had to wait.

This was due to two reasons. The first reason being those eyes. They sparked my curiosity but, as I now thought about them they felt too fake to be true.

Who could they belong to? And even if it was an animal then why would it keep staring at me and not lunge towards me and eat me in a single bite. If felt like maybe I had a hallucination. Maybe I felt that I saw those eyes because I really wanted to go to that forest.

The second reason was fear. The forest felt like it was abandoned. Not explored by humans. And that meant that it could have some pretty dangerous animals.

But this did not mean that I had changed my plan of going there, it only meant that I had postponed it a little. Only until I was able to convince Amelia, Mike and Greyson to accompany me.


So I spent the whole day exploring the areas in the forest that we were currently living in. It had been explored by humans so I doubted I had find some undisturbed nature, but after a good walk I was able to find some beautiful wild flowers.

After capturing them in the lenses, I was also able to find some insects like Lady bugs, Grass hoppers and ants. But what amazed me about this forest was the trees.

The undisturbed trees.

Due to the only cottage being situated there, minimum number of trees had been cut and it amazed me to see the wonderful growth of them. They stood long with their resinous barks and elongated leaves.

Their leaves sparkled as the rays of the sun shined on them. So I put down my camera and sat on the ground resting my back on a tree trunk as I took my moment of silence.

Chapte two: The Forest 1

Chapte two: The Forest 2


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