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Alpha Dorian (Alpha Brothers Box Set) novel Chapter 65

"We are gonna die." I heard Mike whisper from behind me as he gripped on my shoulder.

I glanced at Greyson and Amelia to see them both in a tight embrace with their eyes closed.

Well there goes my hope of survival!

My body was now shaking as I held Mike's hand and moved towards Gresyon and Amelia.

The wolves now moved forward. What scared me was that they didn't look like normal wolves. They stood much huge and taller.

My body now shook with fear. I could feel my heart racing as the wolves now came closer. They were now surrounding us so we had no escape.

I tightened my grip on Mike as I felt their silver eyes rake us.

And then suddenly out of nowhere I heard the crack of bones and the wolves suddenly turned into humans.

What the hell did just happen?

"What the hell are you doing on our land?" One of them growled as he put on his shorts.

I promise I didn't peek.

And it was like I had lost my voice. I tried to speak but I had no answer. I could tell him that we came to explore but that would surely kill us all. And well neither did anyone else speak.

The man now came closer as he raked us from head to toe.

I glanced at the others and they all had their eyes closed well except for me, so the next thing I know is that the man has pulled up my chin harshly so my eyes meet his.

And it was then I looked at him.

He stood tall with black trimmed hair and a tan face. A scar ran from his dark brown eyes to his chin.

"You tell us or we kill you all!" He spat.

But I couldn't. I couldn't even utter a word as his eyes burned holes into mine. I had stopped shaking and my body was now still with fear.

"Kill them." He growled after a moment when I didn't speak.

And then I felt a man roughly grab me from my arm as he started to drag me somewhere. And it really did hurt. I knew I would have a scar.

Well only if I would be alive!

But at that moment I knew I had to speak. I had to speak something because I couldn't let us all die. I couldn't let us die due to my fucking curiosity to visit this forest.

So I uttered the first reason that came to my mind.

"We came to meet the blue eyed man."

And it was then the man who was dragging me stilled.


Ten minutes later we were outside a huge building. The wolves who had somehow turned into humans had dragged us here after I had told them about the blue eyes.

And in that time I had realised that I was wrong about my assumption of this forest not being explored by humans. It was a whole fucking town.

On the way to the mansion we had seen buildings, houses, shops, electricity towers and what not. There were well constructed roads and people walked happily around.

Chapter 4: Into two halves 1


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