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Alpha Maximus:The last lycan novel Chapter 12


  Max pulls me close, and we gaze into each other's eyes with desire, our lips almost touching, before our lips smash together, and my fingers glide through his hair, and his hands are on my waist. It’s the kind of moment fireworks go off in the background. I’m floating on thin air, as sparks fly between us. We part, I blush, and look down. Max gently takes my chin and pecks me on the lips, again and again, playfully going down my neck, and making me laugh. He lets me go.

  ‘Come relax and watch TV. I'm going to have a shower. Then I’ll go up the road and find some fresh clothes and anything else you need, and we can have some dinner. I’m sure you’re starving,’ he says.

  I nod, and smile. Never having watched TV before Max has to show me how to use the remote, and goes to shower. There is a knock on the door. I open it to see Nathan standing there with a suitcase.

  ‘I have Alpha Max's suitcase. I’ll bring it in for you,’ he says, smiling. He puts the suitcase on the bed.

  ‘If you need anything, I'm just one door away, okay?’ He says, and I nod.

  ‘Before I go, I just want to say, I'm really happy Alpha Max found you. He has also had a really hard life. The wolf community have never accepted him. His pack are uncomfortable around him. But now you're here, I hope when everyone sees you together, and how happy he is, they’ll see he isn't a monster. You have already made such a huge impact on Chaos. He has been longing for you. Things will only get better when he meets Storm,’ he says, smiling.

  ‘I'm glad Max found me too. I'm glad he has you as a friend,’ I confess, smiling.

  Nathan leaves, I shut the door and walk over to the bed. I unzip the suitcase, refold his clothes, and put them neatly in the cupboard. At the bottom of the suitcase is a black box with gold letters. I run my fingers over the letters.


  That must be his proper name. I like it. I’m smiling. I store it on the shelf in the cupboard. I squeeze the suitcase into the bottom of the wardrobe and Max comes out soaking wet, with a towel wrapped around his waist. Frozen, I admire his pecs and muscles.

  ‘Like what you see?’ He asks.

  ‘Sorry. I didn't mean to stare,’ I say, quickly turning to face the wall.

  He spins me around, against the wall, and smashes his lips against mine, passionately. I wrap my arms around him, pulling him closer to me. We part to catch our breath.

  ‘You can stare at me all day long if you want to,’ he says, flirtatiously. I blush again and stare into his sweet blue eyes.

  ‘You’re really cute and adorable when you blush,’ he says, pecking me on the lips and getting dressed.

  ‘Hop in the bath while you wait for me,’ he winks. I smile and nod.

  ‘Oh, and you didn't have to do this,’ he says, pointing to the neatly-folded clothing.

  ‘It’s okay. I wanted to,’ I reassure him. He smiles and nods.

  I fill the tub with water, and squeeze the whole small sample of bubble bath in, watching the bubbles grow.

  After undressing, I slowly step in and sit down. I have never had a hot bath, or seen bubbles.

  With the face washer, I wash my face, neck and arms. I scoop the bubbles up and blow them into the air, watching them float around. Max taps on the bathroom door when I’ve lost track of time.

  ‘Is it okay if I come in?’ He asks.

  Bubbles cover my body so I don't feel shy about him entering.

  ‘You can come in,’ I say, and he comes in and smiles.

  ‘You’re more beautiful than I could have imagined, Hope,’ he says, admiring my clean face.


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