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Alpha Maximus:The last lycan novel Chapter 5

  The next morning, the sun rises, and I feel nervous and worried about leaving the pack for so long and about not finding her, and having to return without her. It would be bad for the pack and myself, because I am struggling to control Chaos as it is. I can't imagine how much worse he will be if we don't find her.

  I just need to put my faith in the Moon Goddess. Surely, she doesn't want the lycans to die out? Doesn’t she want me to be happy? And my mate to be happy? Maybe she has been looking for me and wants me. Or maybe she doesn't want a mate. And that is why we can't find her, because she doesn't want to be found. Or maybe she wants a werewolf and not a lycan. What if she rejects us?

  Stressing, I pace back and forth, trying not to panic.

  ‘Alpha, are you okay?’ Nathan asks, and I look up and snarl.

  Shit! Chaos! Stop! I yell at him.

  I look at Nathan with my black lycan eyes, and Nathan slowly backs away, pulling out a dose of wolfsbane in case I attack him.

  Forcing to be in control, I bang my back up against the wall, fighting Chaos back. I hunch over, catching my breath. Nathan sighs with relief, when I have control again.

  ‘What was that all about?’ Nathan asks.

  ‘I was starting to freak out about finding our mate and being rejected because I’m a lycan. And about her maybe not even wanting a mate. Chaos was listening and became angry at my thoughts,’ I explain.

  Nathan places his hand on my shoulder.

  ‘Alpha, any she-wolf would be a fool to reject you. Underneath Chaos and your lack of... calm, there’s a good man and a good werewolf,’ he assures me.

  ‘You don't have to lie to me,’ I say, and Nathan scoffs.

  ‘I’m trying to make you feel better,’ he says with his hands in the air. We look at each other and laugh.

  On my way out, Beth hands me a basket of food for breakfast. I kiss her forehead and step outside, and get into the limo waiting for me. A few black cars with some pack warriors follow behind.

  We drive half the day, and the men stop to relieve their bladders and let their wolves out for a quick run.

  I lean against a tree wishing I could let my lycan out for a run, but I know he would just rip my men apart.

  I climb the nearest tree to look around the area. I sit and admire the view, until my men return, completely naked, in human form. We get back into the limo, and once the warriors are dressed they get back into their cars.

  Four hours later, we arrive at Moonfall pack. It’s obvious from their very forced welcome, they don't want me here.

  After greeting Alpha Dan, I follow him inside his pack house. All eyes are on me. The men glare and the she-wolves avoid me, obviously scared.

  Is my reputation really this bad? I link Nathan.

  Honest truth or can I lie again? He asks.

  Honest truth. I say.

  Yes, it's bad. Really bad. He replies.

  Letting out a big sigh, I gently smile at a she-wolf I pass, her eyes go wide, she screams, and runs off.

  ‘What happened? What did you do?’ Alpha Dan asks sternly. I put my hands up in the air, in surrender.

  ‘Nothing! I swear. I just smiled,’ I explain.


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