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Always Been Yours (Tessa and Nicholas) novel Chapter 236

Chapter 236 

Besides, he had obviously asked that for his brother‘s sake. 

Forget it. Im aware of Nicholastemper, and Im not allowed to talk about personal matters during office hours, especially if they are related to him

Kieran was also the one who had said all that nonsense and agitated him. 

He dared not dawdle anymore, so he quickly reported the progress of his work. 

After Nicholas finished listening, he nodded slightly. “You did a good job handling this matter. There‘s one more thing that I need you to do. There‘s a social event tonight. Go on behalf of me.” 

“But, Nicholas, I... All right. I‘ll be sure to handle it well. There won‘t be any problems.” 

As soon as Kieran was about to complain, he received an unbelievably cold look from his brother. Fine. Ill just go. Its just socializing

As for why Nicholas couldn‘t go on his own, he dared not ask. In the end, he could only leave his office, looking aggrieved. 

After getting off work, Nicholas didn‘t go home, but drove to Regal Gardens instead. 

After parking the car, Nicholas couldn‘t help frowning. Even he didn‘t know why he had come here. 

Obviously, that woman had already made her intentions clear. She didn‘t want to have anything to do with Sawyer Group, so what was he doing here? 

But, as soon as he thought of Tessa being with other men, he felt panicked and a little empty inside, even a little miserable... 

When he met her in the restaurant the other day, his anger emerged from nowhere when he saw her acting indifferent when facing him despite talking and laughing with the man. 

Although she had already made herself clear before this, how could she be so happy with another person so quickly? 

He didn‘t believe that Tessa didn‘t see Gregory or his injured expression, yet she pretended not to know him, which was simply too cruel. 

Nicholas looked up at the direction of Tessa‘s room, where the light was still turned off. It‘s already so late, but shes not home yet... What the hell is she doing

Its that man again. Nicholas‘ eyes turned gloomy in an instant as he stared at the two people who were walking leisurely, talking and laughing along the way. 


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