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Always Been Yours (Tessa and Nicholas) novel Chapter 237

Chapter 237 

Then, a tall man walked in.

He brought with him the crisp smell of tobacco, which Tessa found inexplicably familiar, so she looked up nervously.

The person who came in was none other than Nicholas!

Seeing that it was him, Tessa breathed a sigh of relief, and she wasn’t as scared as before. Fortunately, it was just him. But, what was he doing here?

She looked up at Nicholas and saw that the expression on his face was a little sour and gloomy, not as calm as usual. He was frowning, his demeanor hostile as he stared at her with anger in his eyes.

Suddenly, her heart thumped. “You—”

Tessa was about to ask him why he was here and why he was looking at her like this.

But, before she could say anything, Nicholas closed the elevator doors, causing her to gulp. Nicholas is quite scary when he acts like this... 

It seemed as if she had done something wrong, and he was here to seek revenge.

However, Tessa didn’t know what she had done wrong. After they clarified matters that day, they had only seen each other once, and the two of them didn’t even speak.

Now that he suddenly showed up, she found it strange no matter how she thought about it. She shrank into the corner, as far away from Nicholas as possible.

When Nicholas noticed her minor movements, his eyes darkened a little. Before Tessa could escape, he pressed her against the elevator wall in a swift action and trapped her.

“P-President Sawyer, what are you doing?”

Tessa was nervous and found this kind of enclosure a little stifling, so stifling that it made her uncomfortable. She wanted to escape from his confinement.

To her surprise, Nicholas lifted his other hand’and pressed it against the wall as well, firmly trapping her between himself and the elevator, not giving Tessa any possibility of escaping

“W-What are you doing? Don’t do this.” Tessa began to panic a little, thinking that he was being truly frightening.

His voice was hoarse as he muttered, “Is that man the reason you rejected me?”

Tessa was immediately annoyed by his remarks. What does he mean getting intimate? What does he mean someone I want more


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