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Always Been Yours (Tessa and Nicholas) novel Chapter 238

Chapter 238 

Gritting her teeth, she glared at Nicholas. “Regardless of what my relationship is with him, what does it have to do with you? Don‘t forget–there‘s nothing between us anymore. That day, I‘ve already explained everything I should. I don‘t want to have anything to do with the Sawyer Family anymore. I‘d like to beg you, President Sawyer, as well as the Sawyer family, to not come find me again. Please don‘t disturb me and my brother‘s peace. Also, even if I didn‘t resign and was still Gregory‘s violin teacher, I‘m afraid you wouldn‘t have the right to interfere with my right to make friends either. Could it be that you believe no one can have their own freedom, President Sawyer?” 


Nicholas didn‘t mean it that way, but as she chattered on and repeatedly said that she wanted nothing more to do with him, he got inexplicably angry. 

He couldn‘t help himself anymore, so he bent down abruptly and sealed Tessa‘s lips. 

All of a sudden, Tessa‘s mouth was blocked, and the entire elevator fell silent, so silent that Tessa could hear her heart beating rapidly. 

She was shocked by Nicholas‘ sudden action, and her eyes widened as she forgot to breathe. She even forgot to push him away. 

Coincidentally, they happened to reach her floor, and the elevator slowly opened with a ding

Standing outside the doors, Timothy was planning to enter the elevator when he suddenly saw two people inside, and they seemed to be his sister and Nicholas. 

Initially, when he saw Tessa‘s message saying that she was about to reach home, he wanted to go downstairs to fetch her. Unexpectedly, he didn‘t need to fetch her now, as his sister was already home. 

Moreover, she had returned home in this state, causing him to be dumbfounded. 

The three of them stood frozen in place. 


After Timothy calmed down, he subconsciously took a few steps back, then turned around and left. He didn‘t pull them apart in a rage, nor did he interrupt them. 

He just left the elevator to the two of them. 


Tessa was a little scared when she saw the raised corners of his lips and the elevator door closing. Nicholas is really scary today


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