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Always Been Yours (Tessa and Nicholas) novel Chapter 251

Chapter 251 

He strode right into Sawyer Group. When the employees saw him being angry for the first time, they found him a little terrifying. As soon as they wanted to stop him, Timothy would shoot them a glare.

However, Timothy still stopped at the front desk, his voice cold when he spoke. “I need to speak to President Sawyer about something important. Please help me to inform him now.”

The receptionist nodded and was about to contact Edward.

“What’s the matter?”

Edward happened to be on the first floor. When he heard the commotion, he walked out to take a look. Upon seeing that it was Timothy, he smiled warmly. “What brings you here at this hour?”

“I’m looking for President Sawyer. Where is he now?” Timothy demanded coldly.

Edward was taken aback to hear this, so he wondered, Besides the time the goods were delivered to the Reinhart Residence, Timothy had hardly shown his temper. Hes so angry today. Could it be that something has happened

He didn’t dare to delay any longer. “Wait here for a moment. I’ll go and look for President Sawyer now.”

Timothy’s mind was in a mess throughout the entire journey, but now that he saw Edward, he was calmer.

Edward was Nicholas’ special assistant, so he had to be notified first about anything regarding the president, but now it seemed like he wasn’t guilty. It indicated that he didn’t know about it either.

Moreover, Nicholas didn’t seem like the kind of person who would play such tricks.

However, even if he didn’t do it, it still had something to do with his company. Whether he knew it or not, the two of them needed to have a good chat.

Soon, Edward came out and invited Timothy into the president’s office.

Nicholas had his head lowered and was going through some documents when he heard Timothy’s footsteps and looked up. “Edward said you were urgently looking


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