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Always Been Yours (Tessa and Nicholas) novel Chapter 252

Chapter 252 

He said in a deep voice, “It’s okay. I’ll solve this matter.”

“President Sawyer, is there some kind of trouble?”

Timothy felt that he was very close to the truth, but if Nicholas didn’t say anything, he wouldn’t be able to access it. However, there was always a good reason for being targeted.

Somehow, he felt that this matter wouldn’t be that simple.

“Okay.” Timothy nodded. “If it is indeed because of us, please let us know what we did wrong, President Sawyer. Do you have other work to complete? Are you going back with me? My sister is almost getting off work now.”

Nicholas closed the file and nodded. “Let’s go. We’ll pick her up first.”

Remus had already begun to take major action since he urgently needed to solve this matter, and it was time for them to be mentally prepared.

Nicholas had to be prepared to start a war with his grandfather as well.

Timothy said, “I’ll call my sister first and ask her to wait for us to pick her up.”

Then, Nicholas nodded.

The phone rang and when it was about to end, Tessa answered before she asked anxiously, “Timothy, are you okay?”

“I’m fine, Tessa. What’s the matter?” Timothy’s heart skipped a beat.

He didn’t tell his sister about Silas approaching him, so why did she ask that as soon as she answered?

Tessa’s voice irembled slightly as she asked, “Did Silas come to look for you?”

“Tessa, I already told you that my dad went to find him. Why don’t you believe me? If he’s safe and sound and can call you, it means that he knows what’s right and should’ve already handed over what he should. The company is on the verge of bankruptcy. Why do you still ask so many questions? Oh, yes, you should ask him to return the things that he took away.”

A female voice vaguely sounded from the other end of the line. The surrounding was noisy while there seemed to be many people around,

Timothy caught some words and his face turned pale. “Tessa, where are youIs Sophia with you?”

Tessa didn’t answer his question, but she answered, “I’m fine, Timothy. Are you okay?”


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