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Always Been Yours (Tessa and Nicholas) novel Chapter 259

Chapter 259 

At this moment, Tessa walked through the door with Timothy, and they stared indifferently at their father and grandmother in name.

When Silas saw that Tessa was fine, but his own daughter was now detained without him knowing anything about the situation, he lashed out at her, “It’s you, isn’t it, Tessa Reinhart? You’re the one who did it, aren’t you?”

“What are you speaking about? I don’t understand,” Tessa replied icily.

“You’re a monster! Here you are, all fine and alright while my daughter is locked away. Y-You… You’re a rotten person!” Mad with fury, Silas couldn’t even swear coherently.

Taking a step forward, Amber directly shoved her useless son aside and pointed a finger at Tessa’s nose. “Little slut, you better release Sophia now. What are you doing here?”

Tessa sneered. “Hmph, do you think I can let her out just because you asked me to? She’s getting her desserts because she was the one who came to provoke me first, and there’s nothing I can do about it now that she’s already locked behind bars. The law will serve a fair judgment.”

Seeing that Tessa was acting high and mighty as though the situation had nothing to do with her, Amber became even madder, and since she was an experienced shrew at markets, she had never held back or acted cowardly whenever she was in a verbal fight.

With one hand on her hip and another pointing at Tessa, she started cursing angrily, “You shameless, ungrateful thing. How are you repaying us when we’re the ones who fed you and brought you up? All you have done is hook up with men and even have the nerves to make a scene here after he has dumped you. Even if you’re shameless, we’re still embarrassed. Sure enough, you’re just like your useless mother. Each of you is cheaper than the other. All of you are just cheap breeds!”

Both Tessa and Timothy were the same; they didn’t mind if others vilified them, but they couldn’t stand it when their family was affected. They were both furious instantly.

With a solemn face, Tessa warned, “Don’t you dare mention my mother.”

“I already did, so what? If you don’t let Sophia out, not only your mother, but even

her father will get a roast from me. You shameless slut, are you proud that you seduced someone from the Sawyer Family? What do you take the Sawyers for, that you could show off and throw your weight around here without any embarrassment?”

This little lass even has the nerves to give me a warning! Amber thought furiously and lunged forward to slap her.


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