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Always Been Yours (Tessa and Nicholas) novel Chapter 260

Chapter 260 

“Who’s that? I don’t know him,” Silas barked.

“He’s my friend whom you took away from my company. Hand him over.” At the same time, Timothy’s blood was starting to boil as well. Clearly, Silas was doing this on purpose and refused to release Henry.

For an evil person like him, he definitely has a plan to deal with us and is just playing for time now, Timothy reckoned, but at the thought that Nicholas and his men were still outside, he somewhat felt a little more confident.

It had previously crossed Timothy’s mind that such a thing would happen. Usually, Silas would just clown around a little and bluff his way through. Even if Silas was up to no good, so what? As long as he hadn’t shown his last card yet, he still had the advantage in the situation.

Stealing a peek at the surveillance in the house, Silas sneered. “You’re just a useless bum who can’t even protect your friend, and that guy named Henry is equally useless as well. He can’t even put up a fight. All of you who can’t do anything useful are called useless bums. So what if you’re just a little smarter? Didn’t you end up in my hands just the same?”

Timothy’s eyes turned bloodshot from anger; he hated it the most when someone called him useless, and he couldn’t take it that his friend was hurt because of him. In one shot, Silas had struck two of his bottom lines, and this made him furious.

Taking a big step forward, he grabbed Silas by the collar and roared at him angrily, “What did you do to Henry? Say it!”

Even when he was being held by his collar, Silas still had a sneer on his face as he cast a nonchalant look at his son. “Go on, Go ahead and hit me, If I’m dead, nobody will be able to find him again.”

A frustrated Timothy raised his fist high and aimed it at Silas’ face. “Hand him over.”

“You’re asking for it. If it’s a dead end you seek, then don’t blame me for being heartless, son,” Silas said and snorted. Then, he shouted at the door, “Come out quickly!”


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