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Always Been Yours (Tessa and Nicholas) novel Chapter 291

Chapter 291 

Looking at the seriousness in Tessas eyes, Timothy inwardly sighed because he knew that she meant Nicholas and Gregory by that. He had a hunch that they had something to do with her sudden decision to further her studies abroad

Unfortunately, it seemed like she didn‘t plan to tell him what had happened. So, he didnt press her about it in the end

The next day, Tessa left the hotel early in the morning to look for an apartment. After viewing a few places, she decided on one located in the heart of the city. Although it wasnt a huge place, it had everything Tessa needed. Then, she moved her belongings in and cleaned up her future home

Despite the room looking neat, it hasnt been occupied for a while. Therefore, many areas were covered in a layer of dust. After all the cleaning, a day had passed without her realizing it

After dinner, Tessa sat on the couch, watching TV while taking a break. She couldnt focus on the TV program for some unknown reason, and her heart felt empty like she was missing something. Shaking her head, she tried her best to focus on the TV program, but to no avail

Nicholastall and wellbuilt figure kept appearing in her mind, and she could still hear Gregorys sad little voice in her ears

Miss Tessa, dont forget to look for me when youre done with your work. Ill be waiting for you, Miss Tessa.Miss Tessa, Ill be a very good boy, so you must come and visit me.” 

Recalling Gregorys hesitant and tentative look whenever she left him, she felt agitated. It was as though an invisible pair of hands clutched her heart, making her feel painful and breathless with each breath

A few minutes later, she took a deep breath and forced herself not to think about all these things. Im not good enough for the Sawyer Family. She kept telling herself. Leaving was the correct thing to do, and it was the best for everyone

She wasnt sure if such a hypnotic method was working, but gradually, her emotions started to calm down with each repetitive chant

For the next few days, to stop her thoughts from running wild, Tessa had planned to go around a little for sightseeing to experience this city that was filled with musical and artistic values.

Located on the Danube River, Vienna housed many gorgeous buildings. Due to this citys strong classical music atmosphere, it was an attraction and gathering place for many musicians worldwide. It could be said that Vienna was a paradise for many who had a musical dream, especially because Vienna also had the worldfamous concert hallthe Wiener Musikverein

Tessa temporarily forgot all of her miseries as she stared at the elegant Wiener Musikverein in front of her. All she felt was the beating desire of her dreams. The stage filled her gleaming, dark eyes with a fighting spirit as she admired the sacred location in the middle

One day, Ill be standing right there, and everyone worldwide will come to watch my performance!” 

After another day of sightseeing, she gradually adjusted her mentality regarding her choices and started looking for a band, planning to provide herself with a steady income

She found a few bands looking for a violinist via the internet, and before leaving for the interviews, she practiced a little


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