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Always Been Yours (Tessa and Nicholas) novel Chapter 292

Chapter 292 

Back at home, Tessa received a video call from her brother after she finished dinner.

Timothy would contact her every evening for the past few days to learn about her situation.

“Tess, how did the interview go today?”

“It’s alright, I guess. They told me they would get back to me,” Tessa lied as she didn’t want Tim to worry about her.

Then, she casually changed the topic and asked him about his life in Southend. They both chatted about their daily lives, and none of them brought up Nicholas or Gregory in their conversation in tacit understanding.

After she hung up, the smile on her face gradually fell, and she unconsciously rubbed her fingers on her smartphone’s screen. Despite appearing as though she had forgotten about Nicholas and Gregory’s existence, she was actually just forcing herself not to think or care about them.

After her phone call with her brother, the room slipped into complete silence as she sat on the couch quietly. As still as a sculpture, she pondered without knowing how much time had passed. Then, suddenly, the phone in her hands started ringing, breaking the silence.

Lowering her head, she saw that Scott had called her. Curious, she placed the phone next to her ear and answered the call.

“Hello, Mr. Brooks. It’s already so late. Is something the matter?”

“Nothing, I’m fine. Actually, I just want to ask if you would like to have a coffee together tomorrow.”

“I’m afraid not because I’m not in Southend now.”

Surprised, Scott uttered, “You’re not in Southend?”

“Yeah, I’m now in Vienna.”

However, unexpectedly, the words had just left her lips when Scott’s delighted voice echoed through the phone. “What a coincidence! Our band will be performing in Vienna in the next couple of days.”

“That’s truly a coincidence,” she said, surprised.


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