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Always Been Yours (Tessa and Nicholas) novel Chapter 323

Chapter 323
This was his first gift from Tessa, and he must
keep it very well.
Nicholas met Greggory’s eyes, which were filled with
anticipation, and he couldn’t bear to turn him down at all. “Of
course, and you know the password. Place it inside yourself.”
“You’re the best, Daddy!” Gregory cheered and trotted to
the second floor with the music box in his hands.
Standing next to Nicholas, Kieran watched the father and son
duo, and his lips twitched. “Nicholas, I remember that your
safety box is the most advanced model globally. Isn’t it a shame

to use it to keep a regular music box?”
“That’s alright, as long as it makes
Greg happy.”
Nicholas’s tone was filled with so much adoration that Kieran
couldn’t refute, and he gawked at his brother speechlessly. But then,
he realized that Nicholas’ face, which was constantly emotionless in the
past, now had a faint trace of a smile. He seems like a changed man
after coming back to the country, Kieran observed silently. His entire
being stinks like… a man in love.
Kieran was stunned at his train of thought. Thus, he couldn’t
help but ask tentatively, “Nicholas, are you and Tessa… dating?”
“Yes, we’re seeing each other now.” Nicholas admitted with a
nod and added, “Don’t tell this to anyone else because our
relationship is a secret for now. I don’t want anyone from our family to
cause her any trouble.”
“I got it.”
As he saw the seriousness on Nicholas’ face, he knew that
Nicholas had fallen hard for Tessa, but he thought it was fine this
way since Gregory liked her very much. Of course, the more
important thing was that he finally didn’t have to face his fearsome
and terrifying brother every day.
After that, they spoke about what had happened in the company

for the past couple of days until Kieran urged, “Nicholas, you just
landed after more than ten hours of flight. So take a rest now and
only come to the company tomorrow.”
Nicholas nodded in agreement and was about to go upstairs when he
received a call from Remus.
“Grandpa, what is
“Tonight, bring Greg to my place
for dinner.”
Nicholas frowned and declined as he didn’t feel like going. “I’ll
be busy tonight-”
“Is there anything more important than having dinner with
me? You have to come with Greg tonight!”
As though he was worried that Nicholas would turn him down
again, Remus hung up directly after saying his piece.
When Kieran saw Nicholas putting the phone away with a frown, he
asked in curiosity, “Nicholas, what did Grandpa say in the
“He wants me to bring Greg back for dinner tonight,” he
exasperatedly answered, rubbing the spot between his brows.
At this, Kieran suddenly thought of something, and he
chuckled sheepishly. “I think Grandpa definitely wants to speak

with you about your marriage this time, Nicholas.”
Nicholas cast him a death stare as he heard how gleeful
Kieran sounded. “Are you pleased by this?”
Kieran’s sense of self-preservation kicked in the next
second after being startled by his terrifying gaze. “No… Not at
Nicholas snorted, then said, “Tonight, go to Grandpa’s
place in my stead, and I’ll increase your annual leave from one
month to two months.”
For a few seconds, Kieran was dumbstruck, then he slapped
his thigh in joy and shouted, “You better mean it, Nicholas!”
Nicholas glanced at the excited Kieran calmly. “Don’t worry. I don’t
break my promises.” After saying that, he ignored Kieran,
turned around, and went upstairs.
In the living room, Kieran was overjoyed after hearing his
brother’s promise. With just one dinner, he could exchange it for a
month of annual leave. There could be no better deal than this, and he
hoped that more of such good deals would happen in the future.

On the same night at the Sawyer’s Residence, Kieran saw
that besides his own parents
and Remus, Hayley and her parents were there

He slightly raised his brows and secretly sighed, relieved that
Nicholas didn’t come, or else he would be pushed into marriage by
these people.
“Everyone, I’m home,” he greeted, but Hayley and the others didn’t
take their seats.

When Remus saw that it was Kieran who had arrived, he knitted his
brows together and grunted unhappily, “Kieran, why are you back alone?
Where’s your brother?”


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