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Always Been Yours (Tessa and Nicholas) novel Chapter 324

Chapter 324

Kieran smiled and helped his brother with a bluff, but Remus didn’t believe him at
all. “I think he’s not busy but just avoiding me on purpose,
” he

sneered with a trace of anger.

Kieran scratched his nose lightly and continued to weave a
story for Nicholas. “Grandpa, why would he do that? He’s
indeed swamped with work right now.”

Remus glared at him and whisked out his cell phone to call Nicholas as
he couldn’t be bothered to waste his time speaking with Kieran.
“I would like to find out just how busy he is that he doesn’t even
have the time for dinner.”

Kieran could only hope that Nicholas would cooperate and not
expose his lies despite his awkwardness. But perhaps God really
heard his prayers, for Remus couldn’t get through to Nicholas’

number as the line was busy the whole time.
The look on his face turned solemn, and he had a stronger
hunch that Nicholas was trying to avoid him.
On the other hand, Kieran breathed a sigh of relief and became
calmer. As he took a seat next to his parents, he said playfully, “That’s
not right, Grandpa. We’re both your grandchildren, but you don’t seem
happy to see me. This is making me feel sad.”
After saying that, he even made a sad expression, but the
next second, Stefania slapped his thigh and warned, “Don’t clown
Kieran rubbed on the sore spot where he just received a slap
and felt unjustified but didn’t dare to joke around anymore.
Meanwhile, Hayley was filled with disappointment as she sat in the corner.
She had thought that she would be able to meet Nicholas with Remus

around tonight. But, seeing the disgruntled look on Remus’ face, she
smiled gently and said, “Old Master Sawyer, it’s fine even if Nicholas isn’t
here. After all, he’s busy, and we shouldn’t bother him.”

Remus relaxed his expression a little as he heard her,
feeling that Hayley was a very sensible and understanding
person, which was the same thought in Stefania and Tobias’ minds.
The more they looked at Hayley, the more satisfied they were with her. Whether
it was her family background or upbringing, they fitted with their
expectations of their future daughter-in-law,

“Since Nicholas didn’t come today, I’ll make another
appointment for you next time so that Nicholas can spend some
time with you and both of you youngsters can have more contact,”
Stefanie said with a smile.

Obviously, she wanted to match Hayley up
with Nicholas.
Meanwhile, Kieran observed the people who were chatting
happily around the table, especially his parents’ attitude toward
Hayley, and he immediately realized that something was amiss.
Even though his expression remained unchanged, he couldn’t help
but start to worry for his brother.
In between, he found a chance to slip out of the dining room and
tipped off Nicholas. “This is bad, Nicholas. Hayley had won over
Mom and Dad, and now, Mom wants to match you up with her.’

was on a video call with Tessa. Tessa had been practicing with
Hathaway and learned many things for the whole day. So, she
couldn’t help but share everything she had learned with Nicholas and
The music notes coming from the violin, which were
sometimes quick and light, echoed through the screen, and when
she finished playing a piece, Gregory clapped in enthusiasm. “That’s
amazing. You’re amazing, Miss Tessa!”
Tessa placed down her violin and had a stunning smile as
she gazed at Nicholas with her clear, bright eyes. “What do you think?”
“It’s enjoyable to the ears.” Although he couldn’t comment
professionally, he told her his objective opinion.
And these simple words were enough to pump Tessa’s heart full
of satisfaction.
They gazed deeply into each other’s eyes through the screen,
and even the air was sickly sweet at this time. On the other hand,
Gregory didn’t realize the emotions flowing through the both of them at
all. He rested his chin on his palms and stared at Tessa on the screen
with a sentimental expression. “I miss you, Miss Tessa. I miss you so,
so much.”


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