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Always Been Yours (Tessa and Nicholas) novel Chapter 397

Chapter 397 Hospitalized

“What happened to your grandfather, Nicholas?” the Sawyer couple asked, looking worried.

Nicholas looked tense. “Still in the ER,” he answered.

Tobias and Stefania were worried sick, and Tobias chided, “You know your grandfather’s health is declining, so why can’t you just do what he says?” He knew Remus went to see Nicholas after the dinner, and he could guess what they talked about. The marriage.

Nicholas didn’t answer, but he was obviously repulsed by that idea.

Tobias could feel that, but he didn’t know what to say.


More sounds of footsteps could be heard, and the Stones came. They asked, “Mr. Remus was fine earlier. Why did he faint all of a sudden?”

The Sawyer couple looked at each other and lied, “He’s not getting any younger. It happens.”


The Stones knew they didn’t want to elaborate, so they didn’t ask. Then they saw Nicholas, and they gave Hayley a look. Hayley knew what they were hinting at, so she went up to Nicholas and tried to comfort him. “It’s alright, Nicholas. Don’t worry. I believe he’ll be fine.”

Nicholas glanced at her and didn’t say anything. Hayley knew he didn’t want her to be around, and she bit her lip. She didn’t look too happy, and neither did her family.

Stefania was about to say something, but then the ER’s door opened, and the medical staff pushed Remus out. Everyone surrounded the doctor and asked, “How is he doing, doctor?”


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