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Always Been Yours (Tessa and Nicholas) novel Chapter 398

Chapter 398 Worries

He was adamant about not marrying Hayley.

Stefania shut up. She had had a lot to say, but now she couldn’t even say a word, so she looked to her husband for help.

Tobias frowned. “Why do you hate Hayley so much? At least give us a reason. Do you have someone you like? Or is it about something else?”

Stefania agreed. “Yes. You must have a reason, and don’t tell me it’s Gregory. I won’t accept that.”

Nicholas’ face fell, and his eyes were filled with impatience. If it weren’t because of the timing, he would have told his parents about his relationship with Tessa. However, it wasn’t the time yet. If he told them that, he knew they would attack Tessa. And so, he came up with an excuse. “I don’t like her. Is that enough?”


“You’ve never even tried getting along with her. Of course you don’t like her.” Stefania didn’t like this reason. “I say you should spend time with her. You’ll love her, I’m sure. Your father and I have been observing her, and she’s a really good lady.”

Nicholas’ patience finally ran out, and he said coldly, “I said I don’t like her. It’s late. I’ll get Andrew to arrange a driver for you guys. You should go home.” He sent them away despite their protests.


Tessa was in Vienna, and she didn’t know that Nicholas was being forced to marry again. Their contact had been infrequent lately, but she didn’t complain or disturb him. She knew he was busy and there were a lot of things he needed to handle, though she did miss him when she was alone at night.


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