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Always Been Yours (Tessa and Nicholas) novel Chapter 401

Chapter 401 Cut off All Business Dealings

Remus replied, “Their engagement is something that our families have agreed on long ago. If Nicholas’ attitude bothers you, you may rest assured. I’ll give him a lecture so that he won’t hurt Hayley.”

When he heard Remus’ words, Maxwell pretended to think about it for a moment. Then, he feigned reluctant acceptance.

After Maxwell left afterward, Remus immediately called Tobias with a scowl. “Give the orders for our company to sever all business dealings with Timothy Reinhart’s company at once.”

Tobias hesitated for a moment on the other end. Then, he asked, “Dad, isn’t that a bad thing to do? And besides, Nicholas will probably be angry if he learns about this.”

“If he’s angry about it, tell him to come to me!” Remus ordered before hanging up the phone right away.

Tobias had no choice but to order his assistant to do as Remus had said. Since he was the company’s chairman, he could give orders without notifying Nicholas, the company’s president.

That afternoon, Tobias’ assistant went to Timothy’s company. “President Reinhart, I’m here on behalf of our company to express our interest in buying out the patent for the tracking system from you. We’ll buy it at triple the amount of our previous investment, so I guarantee you that your company won’t be getting the short end of the stick.” He handed to Timothy the patent transfer agreement prepared by the company. “As long as you sign the agreement, this check will be yours,” he said while producing a check with many zeros on it and putting it onto the table.

However, Timothy wasn’t tempted by the offer. The tracking system was his and Henry’s brainchild. Naturally, they had to keep hold of the patent in order to make more money. As for their previous collaboration with Nicholas, it was firstly because they didn’t have enough starting capital and secondly because doing so would be a win-win situation for both sides. But now, he was being asked to give up the patent, which he would never do.

He refused almost without hesitation, saying, “Sorry, but we’re not going to sell the patent.” With that, he had someone show the assistant out on the excuse that he still had work to attend to.

After returning to his office, Timothy thought about what had just happened, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong. He took out his phone and called Nicholas, asking, “Nicholas, isn’t our collaboration going well? Why did you have someone buy out the patent for the tracking system?”


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