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Always Been Yours (Tessa and Nicholas) novel Chapter 402

Chapter 402 Resigning as President

“Ha!” Nicholas let out a sneer. “In that case, I’ll resign from my position as president of the company. It’s not like I cared much about this job, anyway. That way, Grandpa won’t have to get pissed off anymore, and I can do whatever I want to do without having to burden myself with my family,” he said. With that, he turned around and left right away.

That very night, Nicholas went abroad right away with Gregory.

Tobias was stunned when he learned of the news. He didn’t expect Nicholas to be so resolute and determined.

Naturally, this couldn’t be kept from Remus either. “How unacceptable! This is simply outrageous! Who gave him the permission to leave?!” he barked with a fierce glower while sitting on his sickbed in the hospital ward; he was so furious that his chest ached dully.

Fearing that he might fall ill with rage, Tobias and Stefania repeatedly tried to appease him. Tobias said, “Take care of yourself, Dad. We’ll lecture Nicholas for that.”

Stefania chimed in, “Tobias’s right; you have to take care of yourself. The doctor said you can’t get angry at the moment.”

To everyone’s surprise, Remus ignored them altogether and instead shifted his furious gaze to Kieran, who had been standing aside and trying to be invisible all this while. He ordered, “Go bring your brother back—now!”

Kieran didn’t expect that Remus would target him despite his best efforts to minimize his presence. He blinked his eyes and threw his hands up, saying innocently, “Grandpa, it’s not that I don’t want to look for him. I don’t even know where he is.”

Exasperated, Remus said to Tobias between clenched teeth, “Send people to look for him. Bring him back no matter what!”

Tobias nodded with a solemn expression.

Seeing Remus’ response, Kieran breathed a sigh of relief. Well, it’s fine as long as I don’t have to look for Nicholas myself, he thought. In fact, he had a rough idea of what Nicholas was thinking. Indeed, Remus had pushed Nicholas a little too far this time. Nicholas only left because he had no other choice, so Kieran wanted to grab a chance for him. And besides, he knew where Nicholas would go.

Remus was still furious over the next few days. After all, he truly didn’t expect Nicholas to actually quit his job as he had said.


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